Phantasy Star IV: Ancient War, Part 2

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Phantasy Star IV: Ancient War, Part 2

Postby Thoul » Mon Sep 15, '08, 8:16 am

Le Roof's narration of the ancient war between two spiritual beings continues here. Now the guardian of the Silence Temple reveals that they are called the Great Light and the Profound Darkness. The Light banished the Darkness to another dimension, placing a seal on the portal - a seal known as the Algo system. The heroes here are the Protectors, distributed among the native tribes of Algo by the Light to fight the darkness should it return. It always annoyed me that Le Roof mentions only "Parmanians, Motavians, and Dezolisians." What about Wren, Demi, and Myau, huh?


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Postby Snorb » Mon Sep 15, '08, 4:01 pm

I still maintain it's "Palmans, Motavians, and Dezolians." "Palm/Mota/Dezo people" was just... utterly lazy translation, and PSIV's "Parmanians/Dezolisians" is too awkward.
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Postby Celeith » Mon Sep 15, '08, 4:41 pm

Maybe they didn't decide to add the androids because they have no souls.. Which I find kinda stupid because Demi seems to be more human-like then more androids I've seen *looks at Dorothy from Big O* And Myau, maybe the Great Light and its guardians are speciests towards cats.
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Postby Thoul » Mon Sep 15, '08, 8:51 pm

I could sort of understand androids, since they were around at the beginning, but Le Roof could have still mentioned them. Especially given that he was talking to one! Excluding poor Myau was just plain mean, though.

I still maintain it's "Palmans, Motavians, and Dezolians." "Palm/Mota/Dezo people" was just... utterly lazy translation, and PSIV's "Parmanians/Dezolisians" is too awkward.

Yeah, normally I would go for the Palmans, etc, forms too. This time I was quoting the game though so it was the full versions. Even when I played the game the first time, I thought Parmanians was too much of a mouthful.
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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Ancient War, Part 2

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Nov 10, '17, 2:46 pm

Bumping up this former Image Of The Day!

Interesting details on the battle between light and the darkness.

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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Ancient War, Part 2

Postby myau56 » Sat Nov 18, '17, 11:09 pm

Yes, very interesting details about this war ! :)
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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Ancient War, Part 2

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Apr 6, '23, 3:56 pm


:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Ancient War, Part 2

Postby myau56 » Fri Apr 7, '23, 12:26 pm

Supermassive Black Hole ! :)
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