Phantasy Star IV: Alys Surprised

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Phantasy Star IV: Alys Surprised

Postby Thoul » Sat Aug 29, '09, 12:12 am

Alys, Chaz, and Hahn arrived in the village of Molcum to find it razed. Nothing remains except the still smoking ruins of burned out buildings. In the center of the disaster, Rune Walsh waited for the group. After a short discussion of their purpose and the suggestion of a new destination, Rune invites himself to travel with the group to Tonoe village. This move surprises Alys, as we see here.


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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Alys Surprised

Postby Snorb » Sat Aug 29, '09, 4:29 am

Alys: Mary Mother of God, my landrover! What did you maniacs DO to it!?
Rune: Not my fault, Alys- Shorty here was at the wheel.
Chaz: What!? No way, Rune! You were the one who told me to take the long way through Molcum! Besides, you told me you hated Hahn's driving, too!
Hahn: Me?! You steer like an old lady, Chaz!
Rune: It doesn't matter who drove the damn landrover while Alys was out killing biomonsters and actually earning Meseta, I was getting sick and tired of you crashing it into every damn obstacle between Mile and Termi!
Chaz: "Every obstacle!?" We missed the quicksand bog by Mile Village, didn't we!?
Hahn: By leaping the landrover onto Torinco Island and buzzing the Tonoe Penninsula, yes.
Chaz: Oh, hush. You make it sound like a miracle that the three of us are still alive.
Rune: After that incident with that wrecked worldship over by Nayla, yeah. It is.
Alys: (has long since finished her sixth manifesting of Shift on herself. She draws her slashers.) Enough! One of you, chosen at random, will be made to suffer to explain the others' screwups. I've decided it'll be Hahn because he has the lowest Physical Defense.
Hahn: What!? That's not random at all!
Rune: (uses Esper magic to rewrite Hahn's last line)
Hahn: That's totally fair and reasonable! ...Wait, what!?
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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Alys Surprised

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jan 10, '19, 12:28 am

Bumping up this former Image Of The Day!

The beautiful Alys!!

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Alys Surprised

Postby myau56 » Fri Jan 11, '19, 12:05 pm

Lyla/Alysis such a beautiful woman : even when a tragedy has occured and she has just taken a look at it :(
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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Alys Surprised

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jan 20, '24, 6:23 pm


:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
~ Founded April 01, 1997 ~


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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Alys Surprised

Postby myau56 » Sun Jan 21, '24, 11:41 am

Layla/Alys the great hunter !
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