Ys: Oath in Felghana LP

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Ys: Oath in Felghana LP

Postby R-90-2 » Thu Apr 30, '15, 8:13 pm


Just a little thing I did. Small note- the first four videos have some audio desync because no one who viewed them prior to this post told me there was a problem and it was too late to fix once I found out about it myself. So, just so you know.

Part 1- This Land is Peaceful, its Inhabitants Kind.
Part 2- I am DULARN here I come
Part 3- All the Imperialism you can eat.
Part 4- Not on the Level.
Part 5- Royal Escort Service
Part 6- Voices in the Dark
Part 7- King of the Pirates
Part 8- Mountain Maniac
Part 9- Part-time Wall Crusher
Part 10- Why would you do such a thing
Part 11- Cruel and Unusual Architecture
Part 12- Armed and fully operational clock tower.
Part 13- Sudden but Inevitable
Part 14- Death to all Fanatics
Part 15- The Strongest Foe and the Oath in Felghana.

And that's it, really. This is the last of my recorded Ys playthroughs, as there really isn't any more Ys I can do- I either don't have access to things I want to do (Memories of Celcetia) or other things I really don't want to revisit in play (Dawn of Ys).
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Re: Ys: Oath in Felghana LP

Postby Aeroprism » Fri May 1, '15, 6:54 pm

I gave it a look. Looks fun. Is that a remake of Ys 3? Everything there looks familiar.
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Re: Ys: Oath in Felghana LP

Postby R-90-2 » Fri May 1, '15, 9:22 pm

Yep, Oath in Felghana is Falcom's own remake of Ys 3: Wanderers from Ys.
Do not say: How is it that former times were better than these? For it is not out of wisdom that you ask about this. Ecclesiastes 7:10
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Re: Ys: Oath in Felghana LP

Postby Aeroprism » Sat May 2, '15, 12:03 am

Steam watch list updated :D
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Re: Ys: Oath in Felghana LP

Postby Zio_Falz » Sat May 2, '15, 4:15 am

Dude, you gotta hear the music from the remake. Amazing. Puts the Turbo Duo music to shame.
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Re: Ys: Oath in Felghana LP

Postby Aeroprism » Sat May 2, '15, 1:29 pm

This game showed up on about every 16 bit console. The Genesis had AWESOME music but the SNES was terrible, terrible.
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Re: Ys: Oath in Felghana LP

Postby R-90-2 » Sat May 2, '15, 2:29 pm

Aeroprism wrote:This game showed up on about every 16 bit console. The Genesis had AWESOME music but the SNES was terrible, terrible.

And many other platforms besides. Comparison:

Do not say: How is it that former times were better than these? For it is not out of wisdom that you ask about this. Ecclesiastes 7:10
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Re: Ys: Oath in Felghana LP

Postby myau56 » Thu Feb 23, '17, 11:24 am

Great LPs here !Ys oath in Felgana is a remake of YS 3 ? I didn't know about it ! :)
I have played it, but only the beginning, on Megadrive !
Last edited by myau56 on Thu Feb 23, '17, 11:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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