Phantasy Star III: Wedding of Nial and Alair

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Phantasy Star III: Wedding of Nial and Alair

Postby Thoul » Tue Feb 16, '10, 12:08 am

During Nial's journey to find the source of attacks on Landen, he rescued a young woman being held captive in an Orakian land not allied with his own. That chance meeting proved to be fortuitous for the young man. In this scene, we see the marriage of the two. Alair sought peace between the warring Layan and Orakian factions. Their marriage certainly brings that peace, placing an Orakian king on the throne of a Layan realm. One can only imagine the kind of political craziness that followed in the aftermath of that.

During the course of playing all the branches of Phantasy Star III, we get to see several wedding sequences. Most of them are nearly identical, but have subtle differences in the groom and bride. For this image, Nial and Alair are unique parts of the picture.


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Re: Phantasy Star III: Wedding of Nial and Alair

Postby Rune_Walsh » Tue Feb 16, '10, 9:30 pm

Ah! So, Maia, Thea, and Alair have their heads down during the wedding ceremonies, whereas Lena, Sari, and Laya are facing the priest.
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Re: Phantasy Star III: Wedding of Nial and Alair

Postby Thoul » Thu Feb 18, '10, 8:20 pm

It says something about their personalities. The three that lower their heads were also kidnapped and rescued by their grooms. The other three have a reputation of being more independent.
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Re: Phantasy Star III: Wedding of Nial and Alair

Postby Rune_Walsh » Thu Feb 18, '10, 8:42 pm

That's a good point, Thoul. I also wonder if the ladies are happy at the wedding? Since Alair's marriage was politically-based, maybe she isn't so excited. And Maia, well, I've been over this before, but maybe she didn't want to marry Rhys after finding out he is an icky Orakian. Ah, well. It's fun to speculate.
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Re: Phantasy Star III: Wedding of Nial and Alair

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Aug 14, '19, 6:43 pm

Bumping up this former Image Of The Day!

Yet one more wedding scene. This time the bridge and groon are Alair and Nial.

Interesting points made above about the way the brides are looking (up or down) and perhaps why they may be doing that.

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Re: Phantasy Star III: Wedding of Nial and Alair

Postby myau56 » Fri Aug 16, '19, 12:50 pm

Yes, all the wedding pictures are the same minus the two married people ! But those pictures are great by themselves ! :)
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