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PostPosted: Mon May 17, '21, 6:51 pm 
Hey guys! So I have been quite the recent weeks because I wanted to finish a little project I was working on and show you the final product, so to speak. I hope this is the correct section of the Fringes.
As you may or may not know, I still have a soft spot for Lego, but also bricks from other producers (since Lego became rather expensive over the years). I also have a soft spot for PSIII and so I build a random PSIII-scene as a Lego Model and after I started it last year my model is finally ready :happy_marle:

Before I show you my pictures: Don't expect it to be 100% true to the game, it is more like an interpretation of mine. I was a bit limited by the bricks I had and which I additionally ordered. Of course, I could have bought even more but I didn't want to spend a whole month's salary for it. But I think it still turned out nicely.

I chose Nial's quest since the characters heere don't have blue or green hairs, something you have to keep in mind when you are using Lego hair :) It took me some time till I got my hands on all the hair pieces, weapons, arms, legs and torsos.

Well enough talk, you probably want to see some photos, so here we go. Let's start with the minifigs for Mieu and Wren:

Attachment:PS3 Figs_0_Joke.jpg

As you can see, both are really authentic, detailed and easy to watch.... What? You are not happy with it? You think it is bad? No way! ... Ok, I am just kidding, I could not resist a really bad joke (shame). Let's start again and set up our "green sreen).

Attachment:PS3 Figs_1 Wren Mieu.jpg

Now that's more like it. Mieu's blue gem is a bit large and Wren might look more than PS IV Wren but I think it get's the job done. For Wren I used a large armor piece and beneath it the old Blacktron torso from Lego Space. Mieu got the Wonder Woman torso.

Attachment:PS3 Figs_2 Ryan.jpg

Here is Ryan. He got some custom built staves, a nice dark green cloth cape from Lego and the body of the old Forestmen from Lego castle. It was a nightmare to find a fitting face with glasses and a mustache but I finally got one.

To be continued...

PostPosted: Mon May 17, '21, 6:55 pm 
Attachment:PS3 Figs_3 Laya.jpg

The beautiful Laya, converted into a cute minifig. Her Body is basically from the red Ninjago warrior. The pauldron and hair I found while searching on Ebay, however I don't know if they are part of a certain series.

Attachment:PS3 Figs_4 Nial.jpg

Nial is the only one I had to cheat a little bit. I put a blue sticker on his ceram armor. To tease the red ornaments on his gloves I simply gave him red hands.

Attachment:PS3 Figs_5 Team.jpg

The full crew. Next post: The actual model.

Last edited by Apprentice_of_Crys on Tue May 18, '21, 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Mon May 17, '21, 7:04 pm 
Attachment:PSIII Bricks 1_Diorama.jpg

The whole diorama. On the vast, freezing fields of snow in Frigidia, our heroes are fighting to get to a Layan palace in order get use Laya's pendant. A bushi, a titan, 3 dryads an a random banshee are trying to stop them. As you may see, I tried to put as many transclear tiles on the river as possible to create some ice effect. Until I ran out of them of course^^ The stupid titan (the big red dude) was a nightmare to build and since he cost me some will to live I had Laya put an arrow in his mouth :mrgreen:
I build a snow covered palace, coplete with interior. The roof can be removed so that you can watch inside. In the skies you can see a miniature of Skyhaven, doing it's floaty thing.

Attachment:PSIII Bricks 2_Top Down.jpg

View from above.

Attachment:PSIII Bricks 1_Titan.jpg

Titan closeup.

PostPosted: Mon May 17, '21, 7:19 pm 
Attachment:PSIII Bricks 7_Laya's Palace inside.jpg

Inside the palace.

Attachment:PSIII Bricks 9_Ryan and Mieu vs Dryads.jpg

Ryan and Mieu fight some blocky Dryads. One poor critter already got ripped apart by Mieus Claws.

Attachment:PSIII Bricks 14 Foi.jpg

Wren uses Foi. To be honest, he is the least character who should use Foi since his blasters surpass the skill in every way. But since he wants to show it for you he made an exception.

I have a few more photos. Is there any way to put them in a gallery? I don't want to spam dozens of replies to my own post, haha. If there is a way, please let me know. I would like to put in some more pictures, as you might have guessed^^ Hope you liked my creation. Feel free to comment^^ If you have questions or want to see pictures from a different angle let me know. I will leave the model on my table for a while before I eventually will deconstruct it again :) Thank you for watching and reading. If I am able to create a gallery I will upload the rest of the pictures.

Last edited by Apprentice_of_Crys on Mon May 17, '21, 7:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

PostPosted: Tue May 18, '21, 12:13 pm 
Dear Apprentice_of_Crys...that's so cool and great ! !!!! :o :fiery: :clap: :clap: It's really great to hab=ve made all of this with all the limitations...We want to see more of the photos ! Keep up the good work mate ! :)

PostPosted: Tue May 18, '21, 12:23 pm 
Apprentice_of_Crys. I am speechless :-o These scenes and figures are simply amazing! I can only imagine the amount of time spent in putting these together. So I'll admit that I scrolled through this to look at the pics mostly so I may have missed this, but did you paint these yourself?

Thanks so much for sharing these! Your work is Legen....wait for it....dary!

PostPosted: Tue May 18, '21, 2:18 pm 
As a fan of LEGO and is an active builder myself. This looks neat.

PostPosted: Tue May 18, '21, 6:08 pm 
Legendary is the right word ! :) :up: :clap:

PostPosted: Tue May 18, '21, 7:17 pm 
Thank you for your nice words guys, glad you liked it :grouphug:

@Rylen: Happy to get your approval ;) I am always impressed by your impressive Lego church projects and your skills.

@Darkil: I didn't paint any of these bricks. They are all official pieces, bought from various Lego themes. But it took me forever to find and buy all the single parts for a reasonable price :D But yeah, I already described it in my posts above, so if you are interested, check it out :)

Here are a few more pictures:

Attachment:PSIII Bricks 5_Banshee.jpg

A random Banshee tries to sneak up on Nial ...

Attachment:PSIII Bricks 13 Nial vs Bushi 2.jpg

... while he is fighting a Bushi. Since I don't have a pink hair piece (and didn't want to buy one), the Bushi has to be satisfied with red hair.

Attachment:PSIII Bricks 17 Skyhaven.jpg

This is a closeup of the Skyhaven miniature, basically the graphic on the world map of Frigidia. It enjoys itself really well while being a floaty boy.

PostPosted: Tue May 18, '21, 7:32 pm 
Attachment:PSIII Bricks 11_Laya's Palace 1.jpg

Here you have a better view of the snow covered Palace. I used some grey walls as well when I was running out of tan bricks. Let's just say some of the stones lost their tan color over the centuries. The roof got a lot of white plates and the hanging structures on the edge of the roof are meant to tease large icicles. As you may see, there is a lot of snow in the entrance as well. To be honest, I never used so much white bricks for a lego build before.

Attachment:PSIII Bricks 18 inside Palace.jpg

The inside of the palace. I used mainly 2x1 tan tiles to create for the floor and shuffled in some dark tan tiles to give it some variation. I also put the wierd blue tile in, the place where you can used the Laya pendant (or the place, where a strange voice throws you out of the palace. I alway asked myself what that blue tile was meant to be in the game. It seemed to me like a graphic glitch since it is just a blue square with no textures or anything. Maybe a placeholder?

Attachment:PSIII Bricks 21 Before the Pendant.jpg

Finally, Laya and friends arrived in the palace. Laya is about to put out the pendant and is curious to see what it does.

So far so good for today. If you want to see a special part of the model let me know.

Thank you guys :D

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