Phantasy Star II: Guns or Vulcans?

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Which do you prefer: Guns or Vulcans?

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Phantasy Star II: Guns or Vulcans?

Postby The $ Avenger » Wed Oct 3, '07, 2:23 am

In trying to discover what is the best equipment setup for each PSII character for my hack, I bumped into this problem for Rudo: Guns or Vulcans? Here's a list of all of PSII's guns.

The guns damage one monster for the following damage:
Bow Gun - 5
Sonic Gun - 7
Poison Shot - 10
Acid Shot - 20
Cannon - 28
Laser Shot - 35
Laser Cannon - 53
Pulse Cannon - 60
Neishot - 100

The "Vulcans" are fired multiple times and spread the damage around:
Shotgun, 2 shots, 10 damage each = 20
Vulcan, 3 shots, 16 damage each = 48
Pulse Vulcan, 4 shots, 18 damage each = 72

The two most important comparisons are: 1. Laser Cannon vs. Vulcan and 2. Pulse Cannon vs. Pulse Vulcan.

I suppose it depends upon the enemy groups in an area whether you want Rudo spreading damage to all enemies or pouring it into one. I always liked the Laser Cannon vs. the Vulcan, but I see they both have their uses now. Would you ever use a Vulcan over a Laser Cannon?
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Postby Tsunami » Wed Oct 3, '07, 2:32 am

Guns are techincally the best, so they get my vote. However, vulcans always prove useful in enemy groups. I always had Rudo equipped with whatever was the best at the time while playing.
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Postby Thoul » Wed Oct 3, '07, 7:25 pm

I always go with multi-target weapons for normal battle, so I would use vulcans for the most part. For bosses, I'll switch to the single shot guns, as they deliver more damage to the individual target and are better in that situation. But for general adventuring, I'll always take the group attack.
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Postby The $ Avenger » Thu Oct 4, '07, 1:51 am

Thoul wrote:I always go with multi-target weapons for normal battle, so I would use vulcans for the most part. For bosses, I'll switch to the single shot guns, as they deliver more damage to the individual target and are better in that situation. But for general adventuring, I'll always take the group attack.
That's interesting, because in the past, I'd gone by the price of the Vulcan vs. Laser Cannon, and assumed the Cannon was better since it cost more :duh: . From simulating all these battles out, I think the Vulcan is much more useful than the Laser Cannon. I can't believe I overlooked it all that time.
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Postby Shinuzzo » Thu Oct 4, '07, 6:53 am

Yeah, Vulcans are generally better until you get the Neishot. They're usually better at multitarget damage then slashers, and you don't get the cast items until the dams.
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Postby Rudo » Sat Oct 6, '07, 8:37 pm

Vulcans! :up:
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Postby The $ Avenger » Sun Oct 7, '07, 3:14 am

Rudo wrote:Vulcans! :up:
It seems I'm the last to know they were useful... :duh: I also immediately sold Wren's Pulse Laser from Zelan since it had a lower attack value without even trying it out. I don't know that it would have ever occurred to me that they had a use if it hadn't been for work on these hacks! :dizzy:
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Postby Thoul » Mon Oct 8, '07, 7:49 am

Some folks just like to go for the higher attack number or the latest available weapon. I used to do that myself, too. It's really only in the past few years that I've switch my preference to using the multi-hit weapons most of the time.
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Re: Phantasy Star II: Guns or Vulcans?

Postby Scootaloo » Sun Jul 23, '17, 5:31 pm

While it is true that some guns might be rather redundant (like earlier ones), I think most of them are more useful than vulcans. Most guns can practically halve an enemies damage, which is very useful later in the game, particularly the Nei Shot. Vulcans tend to do lower damage because of their multi-hits, but don't get me wrong, they can indeed be pretty useful.

Also, how much damage does the Pulse Vulcan do to a single character in PSII? In the Numan Revolution hack, it barely breaks 20 damage to a single enemy.
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Re: Phantasy Star II: Guns or Vulcans?

Postby myau56 » Wed Jul 26, '17, 8:05 am

Vulcans for me ! :)
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