Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 26

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Re: Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 2

Postby Scootaloo » Sat Jun 24, '17, 1:41 pm

I got up to the bio-systems lab and my data suddenly got deleted ;_;
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Re: Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 2

Postby Flames of Yagami » Sat Jun 24, '17, 6:04 pm

I know that feeling, Scootaloo. There's nothing more frustrating in a game than losing hours of progress, especially if it's because of something that's out of your control, like a glitch.

That save bug seems to be a common problem, going by the app reviews. I hope Sega fixes it sooner than later. Addressing the frame rate and sound issues wouldn't hurt, either.
Last edited by Flames of Yagami on Sat Jun 24, '17, 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 2

Postby myau56 » Sat Jun 24, '17, 6:15 pm

Apparently, not all the errors and problems have been fixed, unfortunately...:(
Scootaloo : totally erased ? :( No luck at all ! :(
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Re: Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 2

Postby Scootaloo » Sat Jun 24, '17, 10:12 pm

Hopefully the issue will be fixed soon. I was doing so well. Characters were in pretty high levels too.

The thought of having to grind for four more ceramic knives (two for both Rolf and Rudo) at 2,800 mesetas each is not very motivating >>
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Re: Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 2

Postby myau56 » Sun Jun 25, '17, 7:17 pm

Hope it'll be fixed soon, but only on your own ! I can undrestand why it's not very motivating :( Grindind is sometimes (often ?) a bit boring, alas... :(
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Re: Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 2

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jun 9, '18, 7:03 pm

Anyone know if these issues with the game were ever fixed? Is the game even still available or around anywhere?

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Re: Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 2

Postby myau56 » Mon Jun 11, '18, 11:50 am

No news about it for the moment, alas…:(
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Re: Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 2

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Jun 11, '18, 6:14 pm

Anyone else know or heard anything?

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Re: Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 2

Postby Scootaloo » Sat Feb 23, '19, 10:16 am

Great news, the PSII app has been updated to a bundle to include PSIII and PSIV! Finally, after years of waiting, we have a PSIII and PSIV app.
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Re: Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 2

Postby myau56 » Sun Feb 24, '19, 3:49 pm

Scootaloo wrote:Great news, the PSII app has been updated to a bundle to include PSIII and PSIV! Finally, after years of waiting, we have a PSIII and PSIV app.

Excellent news ! :) :fiery:
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