Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 26

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Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 26

Postby Flames of Yagami » Wed Aug 25, '10, 6:00 am

After releasing multiple Genesis games on the iPhone and iPod Touch, Phantasy Star II is finally being released this Thursday.
Here's the link: ... -from-sega

EDIT: The original version was removed several years ago and has been replaced with a free version (with ads) on iOS and Android as part of the Sega Forever lineup. The ads cost $2 to remove for new owners, while it is free for those who owned the game before it was originally taken off the App Store.
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Re: Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 2

Postby Thoul » Wed Aug 25, '10, 6:32 am

Thanks for the news, SegaVsCapcomVsSNK. :) I figured it was just a matter of time when I saw Shining Force being released on the iPhone, but it's nice to see a PS game appearing on a new mobile platform. Hopefully PSIII and PSIV will soon follow.
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Re: Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 2

Postby Solar » Wed Aug 25, '10, 10:47 am

I actually played it before on my iPod touch with an unofficial emulator. The sound was terrible, though. I also finished PSIV once on that.
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Re: Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 2

Postby tilinelson2 » Wed Aug 25, '10, 12:15 pm

Now there will be a more useful app in my iPod Touch than Bejeweled II :p
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Re: Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 2

Postby Celeith » Thu Aug 26, '10, 12:38 am

They're releasing to many games on the iPhone lately. Final Fantasy I Anniversary, Final Fantasy Tactics (Psp version), Secret of Mana, and now Phantasy Star II (sorry I haven't been keeping up with Sega's releases on the iPhone lately.)
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Re: Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 2

Postby SirJason » Thu Aug 26, '10, 12:56 am

Though I do not have an iPhone, nice to see it coming out.

p.s. Kaloes, first time I noticed your Phantasy Star III New Dawn banner. looks nice
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Re: Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 2

Postby Tanith » Thu Aug 26, '10, 3:43 am

iPhone only? Blah. I'm with Sprint and I love my LG, anyway.
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Re: Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 2

Postby Snorb » Thu Aug 26, '10, 4:49 am

Shir: We're moving to the iPhone now?! Yay, that puts me closer to your pockets! And that's where your money is! Money for Shir, yay! ^_^
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Re: Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 2

Postby Thoul » Fri Aug 27, '10, 12:30 am

Just a reminder for anyone interested: Phantasy Star II goes on sale today. It's also at a special sale price until September 1st. The game is regularly $4.99, but is on sale for $2.99.
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Re: Phantasy Star II coming to iPhone/iPod Touch on August 2

Postby Flames of Yagami » Sat Aug 28, '10, 4:34 am

Well I just downloaded it today. All I'm gonna say is if you have an iPhone then get it :up: I hope Sega releases the other 3 soon. Sonic CD would also be cool to have on there I guess.
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