That is a great assumption - every time I've replayed Phantasy Star I've skipped the Laconian Axe. The Laser Gun may do lower damage to a single enemy but it never misses and is perfect against multiple enemies. Maybe the fight against Dark Falz is slightly easier with the axe but it's not worth the trouble involved in obtaining it.
facing Lassic at L20 (w/o the mirror shield), its gonna be very difficult to beat him, but not impossible. it is possible to face Lassic at only L19 (!), but i havent been able to beat him there yet. it doesnt look like thats gonna be possible. at L21 its not too tough. L22 is were I'd normally face him with all items collected, pretty easy at this level.
by comparison, a "normal" replay should have you facing Lassic by L24.
Hm, you can really skip a significant portion if you just go with that gun. I wonder how much damage the Laconian Axe and Laser Gun each do in total across a protracted battle like a boss fight. Since the Axe can miss and the Gun never does, maybe the Gun is really better even against a single target.
Dark Force doesnt show damage, so the boss battle test would have to be against Lassic.
against a single target, i think itll come down to how often Odin misses with the L.Axe. also keep in mind the L.Axe can do between 5HP and 60HP(?) depending on the enemy and its defences, the LaserGun always does 20... always.
i think there is a reason why Alis cant use the Guns... the game would (most likely) be super easy if both Odin and Alis equiped LaserGuns
...the NeedleGun and HeatGuns are kinda worthless tho, especially for their price. not to mention the NeedleGun has a sound glitch
I need to finish this game sometime, but Baya Maylay (spelling?) frustrated me with the traps/pitfalls. Didn't rely on maps either, so I had to memorize it. >_<
I always kept Odin with the Laser Gun since it was fun to have him shoot up everything to death. That, and I preferred it over the Laconian Axe. I don't think I could do a run like this, though, since I am OCD about collecting everything in a game and finishing it completely. ^_^
Since I'm on my 3rd retry of this beautiful game I think I'll go with the gun, although I'd go after Madusa since I've always wanted to see what she looks like and how I'd fare against her.
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