Phantasy Star: Hordes of Nei

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Re: Phantasy Star: Hordes of Nei

Postby Lathais » Thu Apr 18, '13, 3:02 pm

Thanks for the reply!! Yes, I hope they do get back soon, but if not, it's not a big deal, will be fairly easy to recreate. I was mostly interested in the who can equip what since the mod mentions a lot of that had changed. I'll just have to buy everything and try it on everyone. Save state before hand and if it is not an upgrade for anyone just reload state. Once it is complete, if Fogeltje has not gotten back, I'll post it up as it may be of use to someone at some point.
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Re: Phantasy Star: Hordes of Nei

Postby myau56 » Fri Apr 19, '13, 12:39 pm

Hello Lathais ! And welcome to the site !!
About HON, I haven't really played it (maybe one day !!) but about the file I didn't have it unfortunately.. :(
I hope that Fogeltje is going to be right back here soon !
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Re: Phantasy Star: Hordes of Nei

Postby Fogeltje » Mon Apr 29, '13, 11:17 pm

I haven't seen Fogeltje in a while. I don't mind that. That guy is weird. *is nudged* Oh right.

Hope this reaches you in time: ... of-Nei.pdf

I must have deleted it from Dropbox when I was cleaning it earlier. Wherever it says "vervangt" that means "replaces" (the Dutch word for it). Hope this helps :) If you need to get a hold of me quickly for things like this, PM me. I've just configured my profile to send me e-mail notifications in case I receive PMs, so I won't miss those :)
"Rolf, there's no hope for me. If Neifirst is dead, I must die, too."
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Re: Phantasy Star: Hordes of Nei

Postby Fogeltje » Mon Apr 29, '13, 11:43 pm

Only now did I notice that I NEVER bought the Silver Tusk. Added the info the sheet. I wonder if that would have made my fights easier but I doubt it since the boss fights are mostly magic anyway.
"Rolf, there's no hope for me. If Neifirst is dead, I must die, too."
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Re: Phantasy Star: Hordes of Nei

Postby Lathais » Tue Apr 30, '13, 2:46 pm

Hello Fogel, and thank you. It will still be useful as I put the game on hold for a bit, though I am nearing the end. I just got the Laconian Axe and am getting ready to go get the Sword. I know most people like the gun, but I prefer the axe. I guess if there are 3 or more enemies it's actually better, but I just think the axe fits how I picture him better. I dunno, gonna play around with it a bit and see. I'll post back how I do.

Thanks again for getting back with the file. :)
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Re: Phantasy Star: Hordes of Nei

Postby myau56 » Tue Apr 30, '13, 10:53 pm

HAPPY RETURN Fogeltje ! :fiery: :clap:
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Re: Phantasy Star: Hordes of Nei

Postby Rich666 » Tue Oct 15, '13, 3:36 am

First post alert!

So hey, I've been playing Hordes Of Nei for a while now and am just now training before facing Lassic. I've been through the last tower to get the best best equipment etc. so now just getting to level 30 on all 4 guys :)
Damn it's a lot harder than the normal version, but also a hell of a lot less boring/drawn out moments (aside from all this end game grinding of course, but that's alright with me). I liked that the Succubus was defeat-able, and that bosses drop weapons etc.

Sorry if this is kind of like digging up an old thread, but to be fair this IS the best thread for this post :) The guy/gal who made this mod probably isn't even around any more, but thanks to you where ever you are :D
Oh and I am playing this on my PSP, I wonder if that's a first for this ROM?

p.s. having now lost to Lassic 50 times in a row (yea, it was that annoying that I bothered to count it after a while, so actually more than 50), I give up. The guy that made this is a sadist. What sort of logic lead to thinking "Yeah there really wasn't enough final bosses before, we need 3 of the same guy" - How does that even make sense within the confines of the story anyway? 60% of the time he kills you off before you got one round of attacks out, and this is with a full party of level 30 at full health, all with best equipment on (including TWO Neiarmours from having defeated the dragons twice). :bang:
Last edited by Rich666 on Tue Oct 15, '13, 3:36 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Phantasy Star: Hordes of Nei

Postby jessie » Wed Oct 16, '13, 2:57 am

All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.
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Re: Phantasy Star: Hordes of Nei

Postby Fogeltje » Sun Nov 3, '13, 7:51 pm

Just keep trying I guess. I managed to defeat him without using save states eventually but it's really all down to luck (how hard does he hit you, how hard do you hit him back and in the crucial round, who strikes first?)
"Rolf, there's no hope for me. If Neifirst is dead, I must die, too."
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Re: Phantasy Star: Hordes of Nei

Postby Wing Eye » Fri Nov 22, '13, 6:53 am

I found the best tactic for Lassic is an all out offence, Alis use wind, Myau and Noah use thunder, and Odin with the Nei Shot. You have to accept the fact the Odin and Noah will die, and hope you have enough luck that they can get a move in the second round before that happens. It will still take many tries and a whole lot of luck, but it is possible.
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