Phantasy Star generation:1: Petrified Odin

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Petrified Odin

Petrified Odin

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Phantasy Star generation:1: Petrified Odin

Postby Thoul » Wed Jun 20, '12, 12:03 am

In a cave not far from the twin cities of Camineet and Parolit, Alis finds a strange statue standing in a corner. This is not just any statue, however: it is Odin, the man her brother Nero instructed her to find. He has fallen victim to the petrification powers of the legendary monster Medusa. Odin's quest to obtain an axe Medusa guards met with a poor end. Now he will remain here forever, unless Alis can find a way to reverse this stone curse.
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Re: Phantasy Star generation:1: Petrified Odin

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jun 20, '12, 2:54 pm

Oh yeah, that's some of medusa's work alrighty, lol.

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Re: Phantasy Star generation:1: Petrified Odin

Postby Snorb » Wed Jun 20, '12, 4:23 pm

Alisa: Oh! It's a petrified Odin!
Odin: (inside the statue) Help! I can't breathe! ;_;
Alisa: (searches through her itempack) If only I had some Alshline, I could unpetrify him.
Nero's Ghost: Well, there's always Tonoe. I think there's a warehouse full of that stuff there.
Alisa: Big Brother, I don't wanna rummage through some dusty old warehouse. There's probably Abe Frogs down there or something.
Odin: (inside the statue) Hey, guys? I have an itch on my nose... I can't scratch it...
Nero's Ghost: Well, why not go find that cat people were talking about? Didn't he have some vial around his neck?
Alisa: It might be full of Alshline! ^_^ ...But that's not a very good plan. Musk Cats don't have thumbs. How is he going to open the bottle?
Odin: (inside the statue) Hey, Twintails! Stop gabbing and go find Myau!
Alisa: Oh, hush, you. You're petrified, you don't get a right to give plot advice. >_<
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Re: Phantasy Star generation:1: Petrified Odin

Postby myau56 » Sun Jun 24, '12, 11:20 pm

lol excellent text and excellent picture : the "great" warrior Odin/Tyrone turned to stone : the beginning of the dventure must have been a bit strange for Alisa.
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Re: Phantasy Star generation:1: Petrified Odin

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Feb 11, '22, 7:41 pm

Bumping up this former image of the day!

Odin petrified in stone! :yikes:

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Phantasy Star generation:1: Petrified Odin

Postby myau56 » Tue Feb 22, '22, 2:25 pm

Poor Tylon....:(
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