Phantasy Star generation:1: Found by Sister

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Re: Phantasy Star generation:1: Found by Sister

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Mar 6, '12, 9:50 pm

Looking forward to seeing the upcoming pic and another view which may help explain some of these questions we all have regarding this pic. I tend to think that somehow they made her seem to young here for some reason as the other pic we've seen appears more like the character we all know. Jmho though.

As far as the stockings go, I think they match her outfit quite well as some of it is dark gray also along with some parts of a lighter gray with the pink background too.

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Re: Phantasy Star generation:1: Found by Sister

Postby myau56 » Fri Mar 9, '12, 10:21 am

If we look at all the images of this introduction from PSG1, hard to really explain the logical link ! But never mind this intro is good but can lead to ask a lot of questions, which is very good for a board/forum !;)
Maybe to show that Alisa must now quit her "little girl" outfit and become a true woman in "advance" ?
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Re: Phantasy Star generation:1: Found by Sister

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Dec 18, '21, 6:05 pm

Nero and his sister.

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Phantasy Star generation:1: Found by Sister

Postby myau56 » Tue Mar 1, '22, 2:32 pm

A very sad moment to come...:( :misspeak:
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