Phantasy Star generation:1: Cold as Stone

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Cold as Stone

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Phantasy Star generation:1: Cold as Stone

Postby Thoul » Fri Jun 22, '12, 12:00 am

After rescuing Myau from an inglorious life as a pet on Motavia, Alis journeys back to Palma with the Musk Cat. Returning to the cave located south of the twin cities, the daring duo quickly fight through stronger concentrations of monsters to find poor, petrified Odin still standing in corner near a hidden door. Alis seems shocked to learn that this statue is actually the man her brother suggested as an ally against Lassic.

Oddly, it seems Odin has been able to move even in his rocky condition. At least, his arms are in a different position than in another recent image we have seen. Someone in the art department wasn't paying very close attention on one of these images.
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Re: Phantasy Star generation:1: Cold as Stone

Postby myau56 » Fri Jun 22, '12, 1:05 pm

Excellent picture and for me the fact that he seems to move is just that he was petrified in this position ?
And maybe Alisa's is thinking : "What, my brother have told me to seek this man and I find him petrified ? is he really as powerful as he was telling me ?" ;)
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Re: Phantasy Star generation:1: Cold as Stone

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Feb 13, '22, 6:25 pm

Bumping up this former Image of the day.

Odin Petrified in stone, but with movable hands it seems! :lol: Great catch with the hands, Thoul!

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Re: Phantasy Star generation:1: Cold as Stone

Postby myau56 » Wed Feb 16, '22, 5:30 pm

A laughing matter ! ;)
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