In battle, weapon art design are all the same so we can't really tell how the weapon really is. There's no image and no shape description, but the game tells us that it is «a slasher with a built-in laser emitting device».
Let's see other weapons description to compare:
Laser Knife «A knife with a
small built-in laser device»
Laser Slasher «A slasher with a
built-in laser emitting device»
Laser Claw «A claw with an
internal laser emitting device.»
Laser Sword «A sword with a
powerful laser emitting device»
There's no doubt that laser claws, sword and knives work as lightsabers in Star Wars.
But Laserslashers I can't tell... maybe the process is the same, maybe it isn't (maybe the laser only activates at an amount of rotation/speed). I really don't know.