Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Silent Shot

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Silent Shot

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Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Silent Shot

Postby Thoul » Fri Sep 28, '12, 12:00 am

Aside from the Bowgun, a stylized crossbow, the only gun-like weapon depicted in the Phantasy Star II game manual is the Silent Shot. This pistol has a segmented barrel that might remind us of the silencer attachment used on guns in many action movies. None of these segments appear removable like that, however. The pistol generally does not do great deal of damage, but it has paralyzing properties that can make it useful. One might think a small weapon like this could be fired with a single hand, but it does require two hands in the game. Perhaps it has a strong recoil, or perhaps the paralysis shots require a very steady aim.
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Silent Shot

Postby myau56 » Sun Dec 30, '12, 11:36 am

Good drawing of the Silent Shot : the silencer is surely what the name of the weapon implies.
The fact that it is a two handed weapon is indeed a bit strange as it's really a pretty weak weapon ; maybe the paralysis add makes it really worth ?
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Silent Shot

Postby Moonlight Shadow » Thu Jan 29, '15, 10:38 pm

Hello ! 'been a LOT i didn't came on this site...

Why do i see Silent Shot does little damages ? It does no damages at all ! Perhaps it is just because it is held by the weak Amy and i'm only on BioSystems Lab, but...

So yes, the paralysis can help, but it has, just by experience (so this is probably not the real number), 50% accuracy. Real problem is Amy is slow, so plays after all ennemies, and in the second turn, heroes (except Amy) play before ennemies, and finish them ; all in all, Silent Shot is not very useful... But what Amy can do instead ! I'm considering buying her 2 Ceramic Knives, but... 2.800 $ each ! :?
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Silent Shot

Postby Snorb » Sat Jan 31, '15, 5:42 am

Amy: Oh, I never liked firearms anyway. You're sure you can't use this, Rudo?
Rudo: Naah. I prefer the big guns, like laser cannons! Or shotguns! Those are awesome! >=D
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Silent Shot

Postby myau56 » Thu May 11, '17, 1:35 pm

SNORB : :lol:
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Silent Shot

Postby Scootaloo » Sun Jul 9, '17, 12:38 am

The silent shot isn't too useful. It can stun an enemy, and by the time Amy can take her go, one more shot will likely kill the monster anyways.
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Silent Shot

Postby Snorb » Sun Jul 9, '17, 1:26 pm

I think Amy actually starts with a Silent Shot in PSGen2. I know her animation of her attacking with it shows her firing it two-handed.
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Silent Shot

Postby Scootaloo » Fri Jul 14, '17, 12:24 am

Oh, hey, I just remembered...

The Silent Shot can be used against NeiFirst, and it can do about 100 damage to her.

I wonder if it does the same to Dark Force and/or Mother Brain..
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Silent Shot

Postby myau56 » Fri Jul 14, '17, 5:04 pm

Ah ! I didn't know about it ! Thanks about it
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Silent Shot

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jan 12, '23, 4:29 pm

Hmmm, "requires two hands". Sounds a bit troublesome.

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