Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Claw

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Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Claw

Postby Thoul » Fri Dec 23, '11, 12:12 am

Even though she is an android instead of a numan, Mieu fills a combat role in Phantasy Star III that is very similar to those of Nei or Rika in other games. She is the quick and agile fighter, capable of providing healing support when needed. Mieu also brings the same type of weapon to bear: the deadly claw. In this illustration from the game manual, the basic starting claw looks quite a bit different from the way these weapons are typically pictured in other artwork. Normally they are illustrated with three blades coming from the back of the hand. This gauntlet instead places the blades at the tip of each finger, while adding another for an extra bit of damage.
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Claw

Postby myau56 » Wed Jan 25, '12, 10:22 pm

From the fang(s) with Myau in Phantasy Star, the Claw was the next weapon of this "style". if you look at the Phantasy Star Memorial Drama CD (EDIT : on the cover of the fanbook), you can see the all four characters : Myau, Nei, Mieu and Rika.
So maybe Myau is a girl ? Did the Musk Cats have gender ? that could be a good question !
Me I'm sure I'm a man ! ^^
Concerning the claw, never seen that it was so different from the other ones ! A sort of glove with blades on the fingers.
Last edited by myau56 on Wed Jan 25, '12, 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Claw

Postby carlsojos » Mon Feb 13, '12, 4:38 am

The claw here is probably designed specifically for androids. The type that is strapped to the arm will be more stable, and impacts would transfer to the forearm, which would be harder to break than fingers. Here, based on the shaping at the wrist, I doubt it's actually a gauntlet-based design. It's narrow enough that a hand probably wouldn't fit through into the weapon, and the detailing looks like it's designed to interface with electronics- perhaps an Eddy tester or similar to indicate the integrity of the blades. My guess is it probably attaches in place of a hand for an android, and is coated in a synthetic skin to appear more human with the blades retracting or swiveling out of the way when not fighting.
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Claw

Postby Thoul » Mon Feb 13, '12, 6:49 am

Hm, a full hand replacement? That's an interesting idea I hadn't considered. That would be a good explanation for why this claw looks so different than the typical depictions. The shape looks rather inhuman to me, but function would be more important than form for a combat prosthesis.
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Claw

Postby myau56 » Wed Feb 15, '12, 10:18 pm

Yes, a very good explanation and the design is cool indeed.
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Claw

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Nov 26, '21, 9:46 pm

The Claw!

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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Claw

Postby myau56 » Sat Nov 27, '21, 11:46 am

A nice claw to be like a sort of bird of prey ! ;)
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