Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Bowgun

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Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Bowgun

Postby Thoul » Mon Sep 3, '12, 12:13 am

Ranged weapons certainly changed a lot between Phantasy Star and Phantasy Star II. In the original game, the only long distance attacks were magic and Odin's guns. The guns served to add a science flair to the typical fantasy mix of RPGs produced in that time. The sequel expanded on that by adding a variety of new ranged weapons, like this crossbow styled weapon called the Bowgun. Most crossbows in RPGs would have a wood based design, but the shiny metal surfaces on this one reflect the game's greater focus on a technological society.
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Bowgun

Postby Snorb » Mon Sep 3, '12, 5:24 am

Rudo: Well, yeah. It's a hunting crossbow. Not too different from a gun, just a bit more medieval.
Anna: If you say so. I still don't like guns.
Rudo: Why not? It's the thirteenth century, Anna- guns are a fact of life now.
Anna: Because they're so impersonal. Get that thing away from me. >_<
Rudo: C'mon, it's perfectly safe! See? The safety's on- (the crossbow fires)
Hugh: YAAAAAARAAaaaaaaaagh! My eye! My eye! Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!
Rudo: ...Whoops.
Hugh: Oh God oh God oh God oh God x_;
Rolf: What is it with you and shooting Hugh!? D:
Shir: And right in the eye, too? You sociopath.
Kain: Ah thought ya said th' safety wuz on!
Rudo: It's not a very good safety! (the crossbow fires again)
Hugh: AAaaaaagh! My other eye! My @$&%ing eye! AAAAAaaaaaahhhhh~! x_X
Anna: .....And this is why I don't like guns.
Rudo: It's not a gun, it's a crossbow!
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Bowgun

Postby myau56 » Mon Sep 3, '12, 12:49 pm

In the first Phantasy Star, Odin's Guns and the light saber were the only "sci-fi" weapons (I'm not speaking about the Laser Shield, sci-fi too but a protective gear) but true that this crossbow is really a scifi weapon, as Phantasy Star II is far more sci-fi than the original one ! With Mother Brain influence, that's evident ;)

Poor Hugh :(
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Bowgun

Postby carlsojos » Wed Sep 5, '12, 12:07 pm

Fortunately, a crossbow is single-shot; you have to overcome something like 70 pounds of force to reload the weapon. Steel provides a more durable frame and more predictable shot characteristics compared to wood, and the buttstock is an adjustable type. The first thing I'd do with it is replace the bow with composite materials- metal can fatigue and rust with time, making it dangerous to use if you don't oil it.
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Bowgun

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Mar 10, '22, 6:54 am

Bumping up this former image of the day!

A crossbow!

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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Bowgun

Postby myau56 » Thu Mar 10, '22, 12:39 pm

What a nice weapon ! :) Too nice !! :fiery: :up:
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