Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Armor

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Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Armor

Postby Thoul » Mon Aug 13, '12, 12:12 am

One of the most basic of items necessary for success in RPGs like Phantasy Star II is good armor, which needs to be upgraded and replaced over time during the game. Although the game features many kinds of protective gear, there are only two items featuring the word "armor" in their name: Titanium Armor and Ceramic Armor. Unfortunately, the manual does not distinguish which, if either, of these items is pictured in this illustration. The picture is simply labeled as "armor." Given the coloration, which of the two do you think it might be?
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Armor

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Aug 14, '12, 1:09 pm

Interesting. I'm not sure which it is but it looks very protective.

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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Armor

Postby carlsojos » Wed Aug 29, '12, 12:07 am

I'm not sure on the characteristics concerning impacts from non-ballistic attacks, but I suspect this is Titanium armor. The metal has a natural tendency to deform when encountering a sufficiently-powerful blow, so the thick padding inside the armor would be necessary to further dissipate the energy over more of the user's body. Ceramic is naturally brittle, so if it was smooth like shown here a blow could crack it entirely in half; modern ceramic armor uses grooves like Dragonscale armor or multiple plates to prevent the propagation of damage, and are attached to some form of vest to provide an easy way to replaced damaged portions since ceramic can't readily be repaired.
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Armor

Postby Snorb » Wed Aug 29, '12, 3:35 am

Rudo: So CJ says this is titanium armor, eh? Let's put that to the test! >=D
Hugh: (wearing the armor) Rudo, really, this isn't necessa-
Rudo: (shoots Hugh)
Hugh: Aaaaaagh! You shot me in the liver! ;_;
Rudo: Whoops.
Hugh: ;_;
Rolf: Holy crap, that's a lot of blood! Rudo, what did you do to him?!
Hugh: He shot me!
Rudo: No, I fired my rifle, and you fell on the slug. Just as keikaku.
Shir: Note- "keikaku" means "plan!" XD
Hugh: It hurts ;_;
Anna: Hugh, I don't think you've got long. Seen that before-- gut wound. The slug's probably torn right through your liver. A fellow Guardian in Kueri got caught in sniper fire. Bullet blew his inside out. He screamed for a good ten minutes. We couldn't send a medic in, the section was too hot. So we all took cover... and watched him die.
Shir: Anna, that's really sick.
Anna: What? I was there, and you weren't.
Rudo: Well, then. Might as well hurry him along- (shoots Hugh three more times)
Hugh: D: D: D:
Rolf: Man, that's some tough armor...
Hugh: Oh God oh God oh God my lungs are filling with blood. ;_;
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Armor

Postby myau56 » Thu Aug 30, '12, 10:30 pm

lol :)
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Armor

Postby Thoul » Wed Sep 5, '12, 3:29 am

Great analysis, carlsojos. I didn't know modern ceramic armor was built like that. With all that in mind, I have to agree that it does look like titanium here.
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Armor

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Mar 7, '22, 4:04 pm

Bumping up this former image of the day!

Beautiful and colorful armour. I am thinking possibly Titanium armour also.

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Phantasy Star Complete Collection: Armor

Postby myau56 » Mon Mar 7, '22, 6:25 pm

A very nice and strong armor :mrgreen:
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