Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Searren

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Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Searren

Postby Thoul » Fri Jun 19, '09, 12:38 am

The versatile cyborg from Phantasy Star III looks a lot different in the artwork based on the game than in the game itself. In game, he was mostly black or gray, but the artwork often uses different colorations as seen here. This profile from Phantasy Star Collection, reprinted in the Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn) art gallery, shows that well. Also notice the large covering on his left hand; unlike his successor in Phantasy Star IV, the Type-386 Wren integrates his weapons and shields directly into his body, similar to the other Wren's skill addons.


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Re: Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Searren

Postby Wolf Bird » Fri Jun 19, '09, 1:55 am

He looks like he's carrying a football.
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Re: Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Searren

Postby Lucas » Fri Jun 19, '09, 2:08 pm

I still think Mieu made for the cooler Cyborg in PSIII even if she didn't transform herself. :wink:

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Re: Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Searren

Postby Snorb » Fri Jun 19, '09, 3:35 pm

Mieu: All right, Wren! Smile!
Wren: ...
Rhys: Smile, Wren!
Wren: ...
Lyle: Wren, could you crack a smirk or somethin'? Maia's in the shower, and I need the camera!
Rhys: What?!
Lyle: Hey, she was my arranged fiancee, Rhys! You've got Lena!
Lena: He's right!
Rhys: I don't want Lena!
Mieu: Could someone check on Wren? I don't have enough Technical Energy to fix him.
Wren: ...
(while he's standing there, Lyle, Lena, and Rhys start beating the Dimate out of each other. Mieu grabs the camera)
Mieu: Really, this time, Wren! Smile!
Wren: =D
Mieu: *click* ...Damn! No film!
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Re: Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Searren

Postby Darkil » Fri Jun 19, '09, 4:23 pm

@ Snorb :lol:

In this picture his head looks bigger than his body
Shhh my common sense is tingling
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Re: Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Searren

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Oct 6, '18, 3:15 am

Bumping up this former Image Of The Day!

An awesome look at this cyborg Searren.

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Re: Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Searren

Postby myau56 » Mon Oct 29, '18, 12:20 pm

Searren is a great character ! He is more here ! :fiery:
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Re: Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Searren

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Dec 5, '23, 11:11 pm

Searren or Wren ?

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Re: Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Searren

Postby myau56 » Wed Dec 6, '23, 12:39 pm

In french it's not far from "Sirene"....the french word for mermaid ! ^^ :rofl:
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