Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Igglanova and Friend

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Igglanova and Friend

Igglanova and Friend

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Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Igglanova and Friend

Postby Thoul » Wed Oct 12, '11, 12:01 am

This piece provides a look at early designs for two enemies from early areas of Phantasy Star IV. The Igglanova boss dominates the image, with a Xanafalgue in the inset. Both creatures underwent some changes between this drawing and the final game, but the smaller Xanafalgue was the most altered. The vertical orientation of the body is different; the bulbous portion is at the bottom in this design, but was moved to the top of the body at some point. Likewise, the upward pointing tentacles were lowered and redirected toward the ground. The large gaping opening, perhaps a mouth, is not evident in final designs at all.

The Igglanova was subjected to fewer changes, but there are still some. The green exoskeleton of the final design looks much less rigid and defined, suggesting it might be flesh instead of a hard shell here. This version bears an even stronger resemblance to the Kiith Flower from Hugh's installment of the Phantasy Star II Text Adventures.
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Re: Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Igglanova and Friend

Postby Oakley2284 » Tue Oct 25, '11, 2:25 am

Igglanova look more friendly in the game!!! This igglanova look terrible, but he look cool anyway ^^
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Re: Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Igglanova and Friend

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Aug 25, '21, 11:13 pm

Bumping up this former Image of the Day!

A bunch of biomonsters, lol. They look scary even in black and white drawings.

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Re: Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Igglanova and Friend

Postby myau56 » Thu Aug 26, '21, 12:13 pm

Igglanova and his "charming" friend are even more horrible on the rough sketches : but that is for the better !
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