Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Alternate Portraits

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Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Alternate Portraits

Postby Thoul » Thu Feb 5, '09, 5:04 am

This collection of character portraits shows us a few angles on the Phantasy Star II ladies that were never used in a game. The Kain portrait was used in his Text Adventure, though with a black background instead of green. The bunny girl Shir portrait was used in her Text Adventure as well. Nei's portrait here is similar to one from her own Text Adventure, but much more detailed. The other three portraits were unused. They reflect the characters pretty well even so, don't you think?


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Postby Snorb » Thu Feb 5, '09, 6:04 am

Wow, the alternate Shir and Amy pictures are really nice! ^_^

Kain: (looking at Bunny Shir picture) Good golly, Shir! Did yur dadgum fancypants rich parents know awl 'bout this "Al-tur-net" career of yers?!
Anna: (also looks at the Bunny Shir picture, and states this matter-of-factly) She stuffs.
Shir: What?! WHAT?! What did you just say!?
Anna: (now in Shir's face) "She. Stuffs."
Shir: Whaaaaaat?!
Amy: Miss Gold, Miss Zirski only stated her opinion that you... err... stuffed your bra-
Shir: Well, exCUSE ME if God gave you what should be rightfully mine, Amy!
Amy: (nervous giggle, poses with her clipboard)
Nei: I have no idea what you're talking about, Shir, but you sound like you need a cookie! ^_^
Shir: I do NOT need a cookie! (steals a cookie from Nei anyway before leaving)
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Postby Lucas » Thu Feb 5, '09, 7:27 am

Shir looks like she was with Playboy or something in the top middle one. :blank:

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Postby Celeith » Thu Feb 5, '09, 6:08 pm

Wow, those three at the bottom look great. I wish they were actually in the game.. Hmm >.> I wonder if I could edit sprites... Must.. find.. a.. editor.. *falls down*
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Postby Darkil » Thu Feb 5, '09, 8:40 pm

I like the originals that were used but these are quite nice. It's a shame they didn't use some later on in the game.
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Postby Darkil » Thu Feb 5, '09, 9:28 pm

Snorb wrote:Wow, the alternate Shir and Amy pictures are really nice! ^_^

Kain: (looking at Bunny Shir picture) Good golly, Shir! Did yur dadgum fancypants rich parents know awl 'bout this "Al-tur-net" career of yers?!
Anna: (also looks at the Bunny Shir picture, and states this matter-of-factly) She stuffs.
Shir: What?! WHAT?! What did you just say!?
Anna: (now in Shir's face) "She. Stuffs."
Shir: Whaaaaaat?!
Amy: Miss Gold, Miss Zirski only stated her opinion that you... err... stuffed your bra-
Shir: Well, exCUSE ME if God gave you what should be rightfully mine, Amy!
Amy: (nervous giggle, poses with her clipboard)
Nei: I have no idea what you're talking about, Shir, but you sound like you need a cookie! ^_^
Shir: I do NOT need a cookie! (steals a cookie from Nei anyway before leaving)

Snorb this is BRILLIANT!
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Feb 6, '09, 12:11 am

Very nice pictures. I like all those. :clap:

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Re: Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Alternate Portraits

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed May 2, '18, 8:01 pm

Bumping up this former Image Of The Day!

Love these portrait photos!!!

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Re: Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Alternate Portraits

Postby myau56 » Sat May 5, '18, 1:07 pm

I like all of these too ! :)
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Re: Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn): Alternate Portraits

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Aug 18, '23, 9:31 pm

Nice Portraits!

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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