Phantasy Star III: Introduction

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Phantasy Star III: Introduction

Postby Thoul » Wed Oct 29, '08, 4:02 pm

When starting a new game, this scene is a backdrop for a narration about the aftershocks of the conflict between Orakio and Laya. One thing I have always wondered about, though... what, exactly, are we seeing here? That looks like the top of one of the domes of the worldship in the background. But what is all this gray rock supposed to be? It wouldn't make sense for it to be a view from another dome or one of the moons.

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Postby Celeith » Wed Oct 29, '08, 4:32 pm

Yea, this never made any sence to me either. Examining it from far away it looks like something is crash landing on a black orb and the blueish thing to the right looks like the black hole from the 3rd generation. But upon examining the image at a closer prospect I can tell that the blue object is most likely Azura? (It is the blue one in the game right?) I kept examining it and it kept looking to me like it had a face in it near the top, something like Dark Forces but that couldn't be right.

And the large black object has to either be the AlisaIII or at least the blue tip at the top of it has to be. Perhaps the baren wasteland we see before us is either Lashute? Some kind of moon outside the AlisaIII? Or just a mediphor that war eventually causes destruction and leave nothingness.
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Postby Lucas » Thu Oct 30, '08, 7:16 am

It could always just be a piece of floating asteroid or maybe a remaining part Palma.

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Postby newsblade » Thu Oct 30, '08, 1:07 pm

You mean that this is air castle, the dark planet is Motavia, the blue planet Dezoris and the upper-right corner light is Algol?
Hmmm.... Parma's asteroids should be near the sun, so I don't think it's Parma.

I also thought this "asteroid-like" ground and the dark circle could be the same dome, viewing from the inside and outside respectively. This would mean the two blueish lights were also the same... like if something trying to enter into that dome (this is inspired on what Kaloes said about the bluish thing hitting on the black thing --- and the other (maybe same?) blueish thing (also hitting?) having similarities with PSIII's DF. After all, DF on PSIII had to enter in AlisaIII in some way...

Why rocky with an asteroid colour type? Maybe because it's dark and when the sunrises the colour changes to yellow, like a desert after a great battle.

I'm still thinking about this... the image still don't make much sense to me

If it hadn't the upper right blue light I would say that the dark circle was a planet, the blue thing behind it was the sun and this was a moon (our solar system for example). And if it was that, then the upper-right blue light was the other side of a black hole and this canyon was were Alisa III landed. But of course I don't believe in such thing. I'll try to do some braining storming on this image
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Postby newsblade » Thu Oct 30, '08, 1:37 pm

Ok, maybe Lucas' idea can work.

And mixing everyone's ideas we have this:


PSIV's "history of Algo" image works like a remake/continuation of PSIII's "History of Algo/Parmans". At least they are similar.
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Postby Tsunami » Thu Oct 30, '08, 8:50 pm

The blue in the upper right-hand corner reminds me of the sun you see in Sean/Crys' ending. Only, it has a dent in it.

I think it's safe to say that I've never pondered any significant meanings or messages conveyed through this image. I always thought that the rocky, cracked surface at the bottom of the screen was perhaps a crater from a moon, the large dome was simply just that -- a dome. The smaller light 'dome' you see on the left side of the top I presumed to be light.

One could also perceive the image to be something akin to this: the "dome" is a planet, a single world (as, it is known that eventually the people of Landen at least forgotten the other worlds...), and the globe of light is a rising sun, perhaps moon. The cracked ground represents the struggle from the Devastation war, the split in the rock being similar to how Alisa III's people became divided.

The blue thing in the upper right-hand corner kind of reminds me of an explosion, but I am debating on this for my own amusement... But, upon flipping the image 180 degrees in trusty ol' paint... It reminds me of a blue Megido, the shadow at the center being one of the 3rd gen main characters. Or maybe, if you get a -good- look at it normal, it's a concave image with the blue fiery explosion seeping out from it!! Maybe it's a mixture of the sunfire and the blackhole, the Alisa III's fate depending on the paths taken throughout the game. ;p

Okay, I've had my silly moment of wonderment. :mrgreen:
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Re: Phantasy Star III: Introduction

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Jan 15, '18, 6:58 pm

Bumping up this former Image Of The Day!

Anyone have any idea what the grey rocks might be?

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Re: Phantasy Star III: Introduction

Postby myau56 » Fri Jan 19, '18, 1:29 pm

Fantastic image of this fantastic intro from this...Phantastic game ! But to tell you what the grey rocks seems to be... I don't really know ! But maybe this doesn't have any particular meaning ?
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Re: Phantasy Star III: Introduction

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue May 23, '23, 6:09 pm

Interesting image, but what do you think it is?

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Re: Phantasy Star III: Introduction

Postby myau56 » Wed May 24, '23, 11:45 am

Silver_Surfer1 wrote:Interesting image, but what do you think it is?

Fantastic that is for sure but to answer to this question is not easy...I've always wondered ! But know that I can watch it more in detail, maybe a picture of one of the Dome and Dark Force emerging ?
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