Phantasy Star Collection (GBA): Title Background

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Phantasy Star Collection (GBA): Title Background

Postby Thoul » Sun Dec 7, '08, 4:39 am

This is the background image of the title screen. When the Collection's credits begin to roll if you do not press start as prompted, you can get a good look at this. Although the sleeping woman we see here isn't specifically named, I assume it is Alis Landale. It also looks a lot like Alys from Phantasy Star IV, but this collection doesn't include that game, so that wouldn't make sense. The art style is very reminiscent of IV's cinema scenes, though.

What do you think about the stone over machinery look? I rather like it myself. It would be nice to see that again in a new PS game.

Last edited by Thoul on Sat Dec 13, '08, 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Lucas » Sun Dec 7, '08, 5:05 am

Yeah it does look a lot like Alys but its a shame they didn't include PSIV so its not really a full collection. I also like this artwork too.

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Postby newsblade » Sun Dec 7, '08, 1:25 pm

For some time I tough it was Alys(Lyla), then because of the same reasons you mentioned I thought it was Alis(PSI).

But now that you people mention that she looks like Ms. Brangwin I think it's Alys again.

Specially because of "her last breath" scene:


Maybe it was a present they gave to fans as an apologise for not including End of Millennium in it.

Alys has not her "crown" like she had when she was buried and the image reminds me a lot of what happened to Nei2nd (in my mind) when she was cloned into Nei3rd and others...

Now, we could say "no doubt it's alys from PSIV, end of the story", but the truth is that we don't really know what were PS_staff's true intentions.

Maybe they wanted a picture of Alis(PSI) but the best they got was Alys from PSIV, because the scene is also similar to the one where Arisa dies (the is picture from PSII, but I think it's meant to represent the scene from PSI where DF kills her and Nero says: “You’ll be reborn to fight for peace again.”). If you watch closely, the hair is a little different at the end... a bit like Arisa's hair (not to mention the purple filter).


Hmmm... ok, the sprite is really from Alys and the AI scenery is very PSfourish... so it was a PSIV-gift from the staff... and they continue to confuse us about Alys(Lyla) and Alis(Arisa).
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Postby Celeith » Sun Dec 7, '08, 5:03 pm

Hah I was telling Trenzer and Snorb about this image awhile back but I could never find a clear image of it. I always thought it was Alys because it has pretty much 99% the same outlook of her.
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Postby Celeith » Sun Dec 7, '08, 9:11 pm

Sorry about the double post but I don't feel like editing my other post lol. Anyways since we never really see what she is buried in what if this is what her coffin looks like. Or maybe the collection is a glimpse into the future of the series where Alys will be returned from the dead. Somewhat similar to Noah/Lutz in PSII but instead of a sleep its defying death.
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Postby Thoul » Mon Dec 8, '08, 1:23 am

Looking at the two pictures side by side, I see it looks even more like Alys than I originally thought. Aside from the missing crown, there is also lot more hair than Alys had, though. I doubt it is inspired by that Alis image, because this collection was developed before Generation 1 and by a different company in a different country. Still, they are so very similar... I don't think we'll ever know for sure which of them we see here.

It also doesn't help that the collection does use some images that are definitely from PSIV. The game selection screen has pictures of Rykros and Dezoris lifted from cutscenes.
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Postby newsblade » Mon Dec 8, '08, 2:09 am

Here we can see the little touches better:




Ok, they should have put this one...

PSII original
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Postby Celeith » Sat Dec 13, '08, 5:25 pm

I have nothing against Alis as she has got to be one of the coolest Heroines in videogame history, but that last picture just scares the living crap out of me!
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Re: Phantasy Star Collection (GBA): Title Background

Postby myau56 » Tue Nov 21, '17, 12:13 pm

This background is great ! I have always liked it, even if it is one of the saddest moments in the whole serie...
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Re: Phantasy Star Collection (GBA): Title Background

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jan 13, '18, 12:03 am

She looks beautiful in this pic even though it does look a little sad.

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