
Companions of all kinds - furry, feathered, fishy and more!

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Oct 22, '07, 8:02 pm

Remember " Socks " the cat that occupied The White House during The Clinton years? Heard some news on this cat. Seems the cat is no longer with The Clintons.,2933,303808,00.html

Opinions or comments?

Personally, I think Socks is better off without The Clintons. Just my opinion. :yes:

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Postby Thoul » Mon Oct 22, '07, 8:08 pm

I read recently about a dog that was caught in a house fire. It survived by climbing into the bathtub and breathing air out of the drain pipes. One of the firefighters that found him said getting air from the pipes like that was a trick that firemen would use, too.

Amazing how smart some animals can be when in rough situations.
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Postby Webministrator » Tue Oct 23, '07, 5:00 am

I don't have any pets right now but my mom's husband has a dog.
He's been watching it for the past 6 or so years for my cousin.
I want a cat though.
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Postby Tsunami » Sat Nov 3, '07, 4:08 am

Something I've thought about, after calling my cat one of his various names... Do you have any nicknames for your pets?

My cat, Cookie, has quite a few of them, each earned from various things he does. Boxhugger (hugs the corner of a box while scratching it), Stinkpot (he can be stinky sometimes!), and...I forget the rest, but it'll come to me later, I'm sure. However, my mom calls him a neurotic kitten, since he's a little weird. :D
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Nov 3, '07, 6:19 pm

Tsunami wrote: Do you have any nicknames for your pets?

Yeah, we do! It's funny, we usually wind up calling them by their nickname all the time instead of their real name. For instance, we have one pet named buddy, but we usually just call him bud or bud boy! He's a cutie.

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Postby Thoul » Sat Nov 3, '07, 6:30 pm

Yeah, I do that too. They cats will be given one name and I'll start using the nickname most of the time. Like we have this one that was named Patches, but I started calling her a little "pooter" because she liked to scoot across the floor as a kitten. That got shortened to "Poo" and now we always call her that.
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Postby wasku » Sun Nov 4, '07, 9:58 am

I have one cat. Its really white so i named it snowy. Not orignal but oh well lol
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Postby Elaina » Sat Nov 10, '07, 12:37 am

We have a weiner dog that is driving me insane right now. He's older, and he feels that he owns the house. He's not doing well with the boys, as they are young and wild. It's hard to keep him and the boys apart.

We also have an Australian Blue Heeler. He's a young dog, beautiful, blue, with a frosty top coating to his fur. He's wild! He's full of boundless energy.
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Postby SparkyIII » Sat Nov 10, '07, 9:49 am

We have a nickname for one of our cats, his real name is Tom so he puts the Tom in LaboTOMy. XD I forget why we call him that. XDDDDD
Everything has a pattern. Something set. Even random things. They aren't random at all, its complex mathematics. The trick is to find the pattern. Then you can exploit it.

People think things have a certain end. Taxes. Work. Due dates don't really exist. Trust me. When you put a band of world scholars in the same room, and set them on talking about anything, the most interesting topics come up. The existence of negative time. The probability of "random occurrence". The government's involvement in the media. And falsified due dates. They aren't real, trust me....
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Jan 13, '08, 2:09 am

One of our cats has been a little "under the weather" and not feeling good lately. She seems to wheeze a lot and have some trouble breathing. We took her to the vet yesterday and they ran all sorts of tests on her, which cost a whole lot of money (payable right then) and about the only thing they could find that might be wrong was they said it seemed like something to do with her nose - a blockage of some kind. They recommended we take her to a vet specialist, I think it is, in another town. She never seemed to have any trouble with this until we had her spayed last year.

Anyone ever have anything like this happen to your pet, and if so, what was wrong, and what happened?
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