
Companions of all kinds - furry, feathered, fishy and more!

Postby Atolm » Wed Oct 3, '07, 2:40 am

Yes they do, but they are incredibly warm to the touch and do not feel at all like skin.
I can say that these cats are incredibly affectionate and if you want a cat to curl up with, this would be the breed to do it. XD

Too expensive however. We lucked out with these two.
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Postby Thoul » Wed Oct 3, '07, 7:32 pm

He also sits vertically, with only his back paws supporting him when he wants something.

We have a cat that does that, too. We have this cat toy that is a bell attached to a pole by a string (it looks a little like a simple fishing pole). He loves to stand on his back paws and bat it around with his front paws. Sometimes he even "walks" forward on just his back legs to get at it. :D
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Postby The $ Avenger » Thu Oct 4, '07, 1:34 am

Thoul wrote:We have a cat that does that, too. We have this cat toy that is a bell attached to a pole by a string (it looks a little like a simple fishing pole). He loves to stand on his back paws and bat it around with his front paws. Sometimes he even "walks" forward on just his back legs to get at it. :D
That's funny! A bipedal dog, and a bipedal cat! I'd never heard of anyone else having a pet do that. My dog used to try and "dance" (we called it) until his arthritis got too bad.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Oct 6, '07, 5:46 am

Thoul wrote:
He also sits vertically, with only his back paws supporting him when he wants something.

We have a cat that does that, too. We have this cat toy that is a bell attached to a pole by a string (it looks a little like a simple fishing pole). He loves to stand on his back paws and bat it around with his front paws. Sometimes he even "walks" forward on just his back legs to get at it. :D

Aw, that sounds so cute, both you guys. You have some amazing pets. :clap:

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Oct 6, '07, 5:50 am

This next story isn't really about someone's pet, but more like someone's k-9 partner, but I think it might be a good animal related story for this category. What do you think? ... er/1$38234

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Oct 18, '07, 5:33 pm

I suppose by now almost everyone has heard or seen on TV the news story regarding Ellen Degeneres and the little puppy adopted. For those that haven't heard about the story yet, here's a link below to find out more.

So, what is everyone's opinion on this Pet subject/topic? Do you think the puppy should have been taken away? What did you think of Ellen's plea on her TV show? How do you think this story will be resolved, or will it?

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Postby Thoul » Thu Oct 18, '07, 7:45 pm

My understanding is that Degeneres violated a contract regarding the adoption, in that she gave the puppy away without telling the agency. And to top it off, the agency has rules about the age of children in families that adopt, and Degeneres gave it to a family that has children below the allowed ages.

If a common citizen adopted a puppy and then gave it away to a family that would normally not be allowed to adopt that puppy, then the puppy would be taken back. It's a deception on the part of the person doing the adoption. They claim to want the puppy and that they'll take care of it, but they are really just saying that so they can pass the animal off to someone else.

Degeneres should be treated no differently than you or I would. I feel for the little girls that had bonded with the puppy, but giving it back to that family would set a precedent that would make the adoption rules meaningless.

If anyone is at fault here, it is Degeneres for lying when she agreed to keep the puppy.
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Postby Neithird » Fri Oct 19, '07, 4:50 am

I think they should have left the puppy where it was if it was happy. Rules or not, the happiness of the puppy and the people involved is the most important thing here.
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Postby Yoshi » Fri Oct 19, '07, 7:09 am

For crying out loud, she signed a contract and is legally bound by that contract. If she didn't read it, that's her problem. :grumpy:
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Postby Tsunami » Fri Oct 19, '07, 7:32 pm

Yoshi wrote:For crying out loud, she signed a contract and is legally bound by that contract. If she didn't read it, that's her problem. :grumpy:
That's so true...

I was watching some news last night and they were talking about it. Even showed a clip of her breaking down into tears on her show. :melodramatic: Celebrity or not, she'll earn no remorse from me -- that's for sure.
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