Pets and Lawyers

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Pets and Lawyers

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Mar 8, '10, 5:53 pm

Should Pets have their own Lawyers?

Some people think "yes" and some think "no". ... ers-say-no

What is your opinion on this subject?

Also, what do you think of some of these laws in Switzerland regarding various animals, etc., that was mentioned in the article above?

Are they good laws or do some of them go a bit too far?

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Re: Pets and Lawyers

Postby Thoul » Tue Mar 9, '10, 8:42 pm

If this were happening in my government, I'd feel insulted that taxpayers' money was being wasted on this stuff. Compassion courses required for fishermen? Government lawyers for animals? It's ridiculous.

How can animals even start legal action against someone? It's not like the fish is going to jump out of a lake, crawl into town on it's flippers and say "I want to file charges for cruel treatment!"
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