Pet Pictures

Companions of all kinds - furry, feathered, fishy and more!

Pet Pictures

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Feb 20, '09, 8:16 pm

Do you have pictures of your pets? Maybe pics of your pets and you together? Or your pets doing some funny thing or other? Just wondering.

Do you display the pics of your pets in your home somewhere - either in a frame hanging on the wall, or in a frame sitting on a table or somewhere?

Do you have pictures of pets in your home that are not your pets, as in example, a pet calendar with pics of cats/dogs/etc. or pics on some other items?

We were at a flea market not too long ago and a family member bought a picture in a frame that was very long in size and it had a picture of about 20 or so cats on it. Cute pic, but I don't know what in the heck they are going to do with it. :yaknow:

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Postby Thoul » Mon Feb 23, '09, 2:52 pm

We have a few pictures of the pets hanging on the wall in one room. I'm not in any of them, because I'm usually the one taking the pictures.
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Postby Darkil » Tue Feb 24, '09, 1:26 am

My wife has quite a few pics of our dog, Harley. Of course most of them involve him sleeping, laying there looking at you like you're crazy or being plain silly.
Shhh my common sense is tingling
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