Pet leash Laws

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Pet leash Laws

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Dec 31, '08, 5:40 pm

Does your area where you live have any type of Pet Leash Laws?

It is happening and becoming more and more common in many places these days where it is the law that your pet (Dog or Cat) must be on a leash outside, etc., or you will be breaking the law and could possibly face a fine or penalty of some type.

What is your opinion on this? Should pets be made to wear a Leash outside? Should these Pet Leash Laws be strictly enforced?

I have varying opinions. First, I don't think my Cats should have to wear a leash outside. They are not that dangerous, harmful, etc. On the other hand, I could possibly see the plus in possibly having a dog wear a leash - especially if it was a really big dog. I guess I'm a little scared of them. Bottom line, though, I just don't think it is right for Pets to have to wear a leash.

What do you think?

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Postby Thoul » Wed Dec 31, '08, 8:06 pm

I think it depends on the area. If we're talking about a place with a lot of road traffic, I can see how it would be a good idea. In less traveled areas it probably isn't necessary, though.
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