Pet food pantries

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Pet food pantries

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Dec 24, '08, 10:37 pm

This is a nice thing to remember if you ever want to help some animals out: ... ntry_N.htm

I think this is very unique and a very good thing. Pets deserve all the help they can get.

I just hope there are not people who abuse the system though, as sometimes happens with things like this.

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Postby Thoul » Mon Jan 5, '09, 7:10 pm

It's a good idea, but yeah, it'll probably be abused. A lot of people are dumping their pets at animal shelters because they can't afford to feed them. I hope this spares some pets from that fate.
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Postby Lemina » Mon Jan 12, '09, 5:16 pm

Aww~ That's such a kind thought. It's too bad that people are poor to the point where they can't even feed their animals. :(


Credits to Altin for the sig. Thank you dude! ^_^
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Postby Lucas » Tue Jan 13, '09, 6:51 am

Hi there Lemina I haven't seen you here for a while welcome back :wink: .

It is a very kind idea but I do see Thoul's point about people just dumping their animals there for the sake of it, so they don't have too feed them even though they can afford it. Lets hope it just dosen't come to that though.

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Postby Lemina » Tue Jan 13, '09, 12:30 pm

Hey there Lucas~ I had some problems with cookies and such; after that, I had no access to the internet all winter. So yeah.

Back on topic: People tend to abuse charities, I know. Still, it'll be a great help to those that really need it.


Credits to Altin for the sig. Thank you dude! ^_^
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