Permafrost thaws 70 years early

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Permafrost thaws 70 years early

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Jun 23, '19, 11:20 pm

Permafrost in the Canadian Artic is currently thawing out, only it is 70 years before it was expected to happen. Sounds scary!! A sure sign of Global Warming, or not, what does everyone think? ... ailsignout

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Re: Permafrost thaws 70 years early

Postby Wolf Bird » Sun Jul 14, '19, 10:28 pm

A sure sign and also a positive feedback loop, because that’s going to release methane (a greenhouse gas) from decaying organic matter under the ice.
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Re: Permafrost thaws 70 years early

Postby Rylen » Mon Jul 15, '19, 12:54 am

Science can only go so far in seeing what will happen when. However in reality we really have no control over things. The planet is it's own eco system and has the ability to self regulate when needed. At least that has always been my understanding. The scientists say that it's thawing 70 years early. But for all we know the numbers could be off.
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