Pepsi no show at Super Bowl

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Pepsi no show at Super Bowl

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Dec 18, '09, 4:42 pm

After 23 years, Pepsi has decided not to participate it's soft drink ads in the always popular Super Bowl ads this year: ... =1,1480476

Some other companies may be skipping the Super Bowl ads also, such as FedEx, etc.

So do you think this is a smart move by Pepsi, and others, or will they suffer because of this action?

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Re: Pepsi no show at Super Bowl

Postby Thoul » Fri Dec 18, '09, 11:38 pm

I can't blame them. They may lose a little ad exposure during that time, but they can buy a lot more exposure at other times with the same amount of money. In this day and age, there are easier and more effective ways to get the word out about a product.
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