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 Post subject: Peculiar habits
PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, '09, 10:19 pm 
Like people, pets can have their own unique personalities. For example, this cat will eat only lasagne. Do your pets have any peculiar or unusual habits that you'd consider part of their personality?

 Post subject: Re: Peculiar habits
PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, '09, 8:40 pm 
Really, I think a lot of the things some of my cats do are "peculiar", lol. They really know how to "ham" it up sometimes and make me laugh so hard at the things they do.

We have this one cat that goes up the hall and starts hollering his head off at various times for no reason. He will meow and meow and meow. I know he's not hungry, or thirsty, or wanting companionship because a lot of the time someone is in the room with him. I have noticed that sometimes after he does this, he will go to the potty box and try to use it. It's weird and peculiar, I think, and it drives me up the wall with all that meowing he makes. I wish I could find out why he does that and that he would stop.

 Post subject: Re: Peculiar habits
PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, '09, 12:15 am 
One of my cats back home had an odd habit of dragging some of her toys all around the house. And even weirder, like clockwork, every evening, just as we would finish having dinner, she'd start taking one of her toys and batting it around near the basement door. She'd whap it under the door, go through the hole in the door, pull the toy through the rest of the way, and head down to the basement. Then she'd start meowing after a minute or two, come back up with the toy in her mouth, drop it by the door, and sprawl out beside it. My dad says he often finds these toys in the litter box as well.

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