Paris Climate Agreement

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Paris Climate Agreement

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Dec 14, '15, 7:15 am

Interesting meeting that took place recently in Paris regarding climate change and related events, etc. It will be interesting to see where all these participating countries, and the world, goes from here...whether progress is made, or not: ... cid=AARDHP

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Re: Paris Climate Agreement

Postby Wolf Bird » Tue Dec 15, '15, 3:48 pm

I'm glad this conference was as successful as it was. Now, of course, comes the hard part - turning words into action. One radio show I listen to talked about one of the main reasons this conference was successful. Last year, the largest historical emitter of atmospheric carbon (that would be the U.S.) and the current biggest emitter (China) met one-on-one to hash out some agreement on climate action. I think that move spoke to much of the rest of the world, and served as some inspiration for other countries to do more.

IMO, basically every country (U.S. included) can and should do more. Atmospheric pollution like carbon isn't bound by national boundaries. And it would ultimately cost a LOT more for every country to do nothing than to start working towards decarbonizing our economic system. Which of course, won't happen overnight.
Last edited by Wolf Bird on Tue Dec 15, '15, 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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