Oprah show ending

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Oprah show ending

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Nov 20, '09, 4:04 pm

Some news reports say Oprah Winfrey may be ending her popular talk show perhaps sometime in 2011.

http://www.lansingstatejournal.com/arti ... /311200020

Will you be sad, or glad, to see Oprah's show end? Or will it have no impact on you at all?

I admit I used to watch Opray's talk show almost every day, but over the years I have grown out of it. Just too much else to do, I guess. I'm always busy during that time of day it seems. :yaknow:

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Re: Oprah show ending

Postby Darkil » Sat Nov 21, '09, 1:44 pm

I was surprised to hear this but as wealthy as she is, she really doesn't need to do it anymore.
Shhh my common sense is tingling
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Re: Oprah show ending

Postby Thoul » Sun Nov 22, '09, 12:32 pm

I read somewhere that she's going to just start another show, probably on cable. She's supposedly also getting her cable network, working with the Discovery channel. I suppose if she has 24 hours a day to show her content, she won't need the regular show any more.
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