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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Dec 19, '12, 5:52 am

Meet the Obamadon...a prehistoric lizard named after President Obama:

http://news.yahoo.com/yale-names-toothy ... 15370.html

This is interesting how they name new discoveries after various Presidents and other celebrities. The freshwater Perch named after Obama, Clinton, Carter, etc., sounds a lot better than the slime-mold beetles named after Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld, lol. :rofl:

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Re: Obamadon

Postby myau56 » Wed Dec 19, '12, 9:06 am

I didn't know that some old sspecies were named after American presidents names ! That's a bit strange but why not ? :)
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Re: Obamadon

Postby Thoul » Fri Dec 21, '12, 1:43 am

The name "Obamadon" sounds like something out of a Japanese monster movie. I can just see Godzilla fighting some spiky lizard monster with that name now. :lol:

I have to give these researchers points for the cool factor of the name, though. Obamadon is a much better name than those that just stick an "i" on the end of a person's name. I respect wanting to honor the politicians, but names like Cheneyi, Rumsfeldi and Jeffersonii always give me the impression that someone was butchering a language.
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Re: Obamadon

Postby myau56 » Sat Dec 22, '12, 10:06 am

"Godzillobama" :rofl: Would have been a great name for it, isn't it ? :)
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Re: Obamadon

Postby Lucas » Wed Dec 26, '12, 12:03 pm

I actually read a small article about this in the newspaper. Amazing that such odd news made it over here and ended up in our paper. It’s pretty cool though I’m a huge fan of reptiles prehistoric or not, so being named after one such as Obama has been would be awesome.

Also I agree that I could see such a name being given to an enemy of Godzilla.

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