Obama kills fly - PETA upset

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Obama kills fly - PETA upset

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jun 18, '09, 8:56 pm

I thought about putting this one in the "ridiculous item of the day thread", but here it is:

http://hamptonroads.com.nyud.net/2009/0 ... watted-fly

C,mon people! Hasn't almost everyone swatted a fly at some time or other??? I know I have. Yes, if possible I will capture little animals and let them back outside, but it's almost impossible to catch a fly! Get real! :yaknow:

Anyone know if PETA has said anything about trying to save the thousands of geese that might be killed soon which is the subject of one of the other post threads here??
But, they are concerned about one pesky fly???? :ziplip:

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Re: Obama kills fly - PETA upset

Postby Darkil » Thu Jun 18, '09, 9:05 pm

This is just.............. :bang: :x :down: :yell:
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Re: Obama kills fly - PETA upset

Postby Srijita » Thu Jun 18, '09, 10:11 pm

Let me get this straight. This organisation allegedly kills 85% of rescued pets instead of making a concerted effort to rehome or care for them. At the same time, it expends time, effort, and accrued charity donations on harassing people for swatting flies and proposing George Clooney flavoured tofu?

This is surreal. Did I get my wires crossed somewhere along the line?

(As it happens, I almost never swat flies; I try to usher them to open windows. On the other hand, I'll kill a mosquito without a second thought; the damn things bite and act as vectors for infections such as dengue fever and malaria. But that's irrelevant.)
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Re: Obama kills fly - PETA upset

Postby Lemina » Thu Jun 18, '09, 11:48 pm

The news is making a huge deal of that swatted fly thing too--It's been mentioned all day around my parts. Geez--let it go.


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Re: Obama kills fly - PETA upset

Postby Wolf Bird » Fri Jun 19, '09, 1:32 am

I've seen the video. I find it funny more than anything else. It's hardly news...and good job PETA...

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Re: Obama kills fly - PETA upset

Postby Thoul » Fri Jun 19, '09, 2:05 am

Srijita wrote:Did I get my wires crossed somewhere along the line?

No, but I think PETA doesn't have a straight wire left. I can no longer view them as anything other than a joke. I don't know why anyone would donate to them these days.
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Re: Obama kills fly - PETA upset

Postby DrkTr14ce » Fri Jun 19, '09, 7:30 am

You have got to be kidding me. PETA has really demonstrated here that they're officially a bunch of extremists. I mean, hearing that on a previous occasion they demanded that the band 'The Pet Shop Boys' change their name was ludicrous enough. This is...

You know what? My entire feelings about this one can easily be summed up with a picture of the Facepalming Picard.
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Re: Obama kills fly - PETA upset

Postby Lucas » Fri Jun 19, '09, 11:57 am

This is stupid. Flys are one of those animals that have no real purpose other than to feed frogs. Seriously they carry diseases and breed and eat rubish and manure for goodness sake. :bang:

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Re: Obama kills fly - PETA upset

Postby XxEnslavedNekoxX » Sun Jun 21, '09, 7:46 am

You know, Peta actually used to do something good. Now they are just the butt of their own constant joke.

In Florida we had someone kill and mutalate 19 cats in a vicious manner. Did you hear anything, ANYTHING, about Peta going to find the person responsible? No. We have lots of animals that are abused on a daily basis, but do you see Peta doing anything? No. All Peta does anymore is whine and moan over stupid stuff. A few weeks back they wanted the Petshop Boys to change their name because they found it offensive.

I think Peta needs to get their head out of their rear end and actually start doing something good. Like uh..I dunno, helping unfortunate animals instead of a bug that will die in two days anyway.
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Re: Obama kills fly - PETA upset

Postby Darkil » Sun Jun 21, '09, 9:20 pm

I must agree with my friend at work and state that PETA is now a terrorist organization. They will destroy any building that harms animals and if that isn't a terrorist group, I don't know what is. I'm sure they used to do something but now I feel they are no better than most of the terrorists out today.
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