NY, NJ explosions

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NY, NJ explosions

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Sep 19, '16, 3:15 pm

Several explosions taking place this weekend in New Jersey and New York. I read a few people were injured but I don't think anyone lost their lives in these attacks, if I am not mistaken. Prayers to all the victims.

http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nati ... /90676614/

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Re: NY, NJ explosions

Postby Icecypher » Sat Sep 24, '16, 6:12 am

I hate this. Of course, having it happen on my own continent makes it feel too close to home, but I hate it when it happens anywhere. Also on the countries that seem to have been in war forever.

It is mostly the little people who get hurt, while the big leaders (of every faction) always stay safe.
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