Weirdest food that you've ever heard of?

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Weirdest food that you've ever heard of?

Postby Lemina » Sat Mar 29, '08, 2:36 am


I bet we've all heard of people from different countries eating bugs and all of that, but what kind of weird foods have you encountered? I know this sounds like a really dry topic, but I'm interested in seeing what kinds of foods that you guys may have encountered. ^_^

Personally, I think that Head Cheese is the weirdest and grossest thing that I've recently seen (But have never tried). I've seen it in my local grocery store and I'm still really surprised that they sell it there (I come from a really small town).

Your thoughts?


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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Mar 29, '08, 10:20 pm

Um, what is " Head Cheese "? Sorry, I've never heard of that before.

Interesting topic and question. I'm trying to think of something. I know, I'll say pigs feet, and maybe hog jowls, etc. This is supposed to be a traditional New Year's Day item, I think (hog jowls) but my stomach turns whenever I even think about it. No, I've never ate it, and certainly don't plan to either.

Yeah, the bugs they ate on the "Survivor" show really turned my stomach too. I stopped watching that show because of gross stuff like that.

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Postby Reno » Sun Mar 30, '08, 12:01 am

To answer your question, Silver, Head Cheese is a little clump of meat from the head of some animal, (usually pig) that's eaten cold... I know, you wish you hadn't asked! :D

As for disgusting foods that I've eaten... Sorry, Lemina! I'm rather boring and reserved when it comes to what gets in my stomach, so I can't really give you any food-related horror tales. Although I will tell you... I despise onions! ^_^
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Postby Lemina » Sun Mar 30, '08, 7:15 pm

Silver_Surfer1 wrote:Yeah, the bugs they ate on the "Survivor" show really turned my stomach too. I stopped watching that show because of gross stuff like that.

Oh yeah-that totally reminds me of the gross stuff the contestants would eat on Fear Factor. I remember they would eat earth worms, snails, cow brains, raw eyeballs, varying insects, cow tongues, etc. I personally would never pass that part of the competition. Ever. =P

Reno wrote:I'm rather boring and reserved when it comes to what gets in my stomach, so I can't really give you any food-related horror tales.

I'm actually really reserved myself; I've just seen and heard about really odd food. XD


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