Nutraloaf - would you eat it?

Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)

Nutraloaf - would you eat it?

Heck No - it looks awful.
Yes, I'd eat it. It sounds great.
Maybe I might try a bite but no more than that.
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Nutraloaf - would you eat it?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Mar 28, '08, 7:28 pm


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Postby Reno » Fri Mar 28, '08, 9:56 pm

'Tis a perfect example of "Cruel and Unusual." Seriously, that's just awful.
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Postby Lemina » Sat Mar 29, '08, 1:52 am

Wow, that stuff looks like crap! It's too bad...the name "nutraloaf" sounds really cute, erm, well, I mean that it's a total waste of the ingredients that went into it. I'd probably eat it if I had absolutely nothing else to eat though.


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Postby Snorb » Sat Mar 29, '08, 2:27 am

I'll be honest- it looks really gross, but there's honestly not a thing in there I wouldn't eat (Mmm, bread, cheese, beans, AND spinach?! Sign me up!)
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Postby Thoul » Mon Mar 31, '08, 7:22 pm

I think it looks like vomit, so no, it's not something I would eat. I can see why they'd serve it to misbehaving prisoners, though. Just looking at it is punishment!
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Postby Celeith » Tue Apr 1, '08, 3:35 am

oh god my eyes
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Postby SparkyIII » Tue Apr 1, '08, 3:55 am

You people have pathetic stomachs. XD That little thing looks like something my mom would make for us. And with a bit of butter or a delicious sauce, could become a regular meal. Plus its supa-healthy. Anything made out of other things that taste good can't taste bad. And the article there said it tasted like canned spinach, which I think is very good! So yep, tis a food I would eat.
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Postby Celeith » Tue Apr 1, '08, 9:52 am

I perfer to eat things that don't make me feel like dying on the inside
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Postby SparkyIII » Wed Apr 2, '08, 6:39 am

Well I prefer to eat things that don't make me gianormous on the outside. XDDDDDD lol
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