Function of Gaira

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Function of Gaira

Postby Zio_Falz » Sat Aug 25, '18, 4:14 pm

We know the satellites Zelan and Kuran have some sort of essential function of controlling the weather of Algol, especially Dezolis.

Given that, what was the function of Gaira? Weather control for Palm? That is my only guess, given its close proximity to Palma.

Other ideas?
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Re: Function of Gaira

Postby Hukos » Sat Sep 15, '18, 8:21 am

Being a plot device.
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Re: Function of Gaira

Postby Zio_Falz » Thu Sep 20, '18, 7:24 pm

Har har.

After reading both the english and japanese script, its implied Gaira is a prison.
A prison satellite away from Palma, Mota, and Dezo.
Mother Brain's version of Guantanamo Bay. After all, Rolf was taken there without due process or trial. Forced to wear plasma handcuffs, etc.

However it doesnt mention where all the other prisoners were when Rolf was there.
It would be a real jerk move if Tyler only specifically saved Rolf and Co.
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Re: Function of Gaira

Postby myau56 » Thu Nov 11, '21, 10:46 am

Nice question ! And yes for me too it's a sort of Prison/Jail...maybe one of Mother Brain's main goal was to be able to survey/protect herself and make prisoners all the people who would be dangerous for her ?
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Re: Function of Gaira

Postby Apprentice_of_Crys » Sat Nov 27, '21, 5:43 pm

Agree on the prison. What puzzles me is how Gaira could pulverize the entire planet. Was it that huge? Was it loaded with 213142123 Nukes? :) PSII had its weak points as well :)
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Re: Function of Gaira

Postby myau56 » Thu Mar 24, '22, 12:53 pm

The Prison is a great description for Gaila ! We all agree on that fact :) After, true that this satellite/jail was very dangerous ! The reference to the nukes is a very good one ! ;)
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Re: Function of Gaira

Postby Apprentice_of_Crys » Mon Apr 18, '22, 11:02 pm

What confuses me more: Gaira destroyed the whole planet of Parma. Ok. But: Befor PS IV a freaking spaceship like the Alisa III crashes on Mota (...and serves as an optional dungeon...) But Mota does not seem to take any kind of bigger damage and I am rather sure that a spaceship with 7 dome worlds is bigger than Gaira. Well I guess we could find an explanation/interpretation for this. But at least I wish the devs would have cared enough to put this explenation in the game. If I miss something, please correct me. It sounds crazy, but I don't know all of the texts in PS IV :D :D :D
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Re: Function of Gaira

Postby myau56 » Sun Apr 24, '22, 12:50 pm

Apprentice_of_Crys wrote:What confuses me more: Gaira destroyed the whole planet of Parma. Ok. But: Befor PS IV a freaking spaceship like the Alisa III crashes on Mota (...and serves as an optional dungeon...) But Mota does not seem to take any kind of bigger damage and I am rather sure that a spaceship with 7 dome worlds is bigger than Gaira. Well I guess we could find an explanation/interpretation for this. But at least I wish the devs would have cared enough to put this explenation in the game. If I miss something, please correct me. It sounds crazy, but I don't know all of the texts in PS IV :D :D :D

Very strange indeed and I never thought about it ! So maybe because Gaira is a HUGE stellite ? So a huge jail because MB or the Earthmen thought that they werre going to imprison a lot of people inside ? :o
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Re: Function of Gaira

Postby Zio_Falz » Tue May 31, '22, 12:54 pm

Palma is a small planet. Mota is much larger. So the impact of a ship or satellite will be different in respect to each planet. Also the physics of it matter. Gaira crashed into Palm with the intent of doing damage, so we can surmise it had a high impact velocity. The Alisa III-like ship that crashed on Mota likely didnt have any ill intent. In fact, they may have attempted a safe crash landing like Wren did for Dezo. Except it still crashed enough to become a wreckage.
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Re: Function of Gaira

Postby myau56 » Wed Aug 17, '22, 12:48 pm

Zio_Falz wrote:Palma is a small planet. Mota is much larger. So the impact of a ship or satellite will be different in respect to each planet. Also the physics of it matter. Gaira crashed into Palm with the intent of doing damage, so we can surmise it had a high impact velocity. The Alisa III-like ship that crashed on Mota likely didnt have any ill intent. In fact, they may have attempted a safe crash landing like Wren did for Dezo. Except it still crashed enough to become a wreckage.
You are right ! May be the right explanation :)
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