No Power for 1 Day

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No Power for 1 Day

Postby Thoul » Tue Dec 16, '08, 11:05 pm

Here's a "what if" scenario for you. Suppose you're told you are going to lose power for 24 hours at the place you live. However, you will have enough power to run one thing from one outlet. Also, let's say this happens on a rainy day in late spring or early fall, so there is no need for heat or air conditioning, but leaving isn't an option. What would you choose to plug in to that outlet and why?

I would plug in a radio or CD player, so I could have some music to listen to while passing the time doing something. A TV would be good too, but these days you can't watch very much with just a TV; it needs a cable box or DVD player or whatever too.
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Postby Celeith » Wed Dec 17, '08, 8:53 pm

The fridge, I would perfer to have something to eat and drink since I could just pop out my PSP or my DS if I wanted something to play.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Dec 18, '08, 1:02 am

My first thought was the microwave so I could heat something up to eat.

I think Kaloes had a good one, though, as I certainly would not want the food in the fridge/freezer to spoil. I'd probably go with that one too.

I could use batteries for the radio, lamps, etc., if needed.

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Postby Thoul » Thu Dec 18, '08, 4:34 am

Nice choices. A cool drink would certainly be welcome any time. :burp:
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