No more 24

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No more 24

Postby Neithird » Fri Dec 14, '07, 7:47 pm

Does anyone watch the show "24"? It seems Fox has put it on indefinite hiatus because of the writer's strike. Even there there's a good number of episodes already written, Fox isn't going to run them until a full season has been filmed.,2933,309397,00.html
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Postby Rudo » Fri Dec 14, '07, 9:18 pm

It also probably doesn't help any that the star Keifer Sutherland is serving jail time now. :twisted:
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Postby Thoul » Sat Dec 15, '07, 2:20 am

I don't watch, but that's got to be bad for fans. Knowing Fox could make some new episodes, but that they won't until the strike is over... that's pretty harsh.

I'm surprised the strike is still on. I would have thought the companies would have given in to the writers by now.
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Postby SparkyIII » Sun Dec 16, '07, 6:12 am

lol, reruns for all of eternity MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
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Re: No more 24

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Mar 27, '10, 7:09 pm

Bumping this thread up.

I just read that 24 has been canceled by Fox. It has had an 8 year season run, and that's pretty good. I read a few weeks ago that it may be canceled on Fox and that some other network might snatch it up, but that may or may not happen now. There are talks for a movie in the works, I think.

Would you like to see more of Jack Bauer and 24, or not?

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Re: No more 24

Postby Tanith » Sat Mar 27, '10, 7:36 pm

Normally I would be upset about 24 ending, as it's one of my favorite shows, but it was bound to happen sooner rather than later. The show became a hit for its groundbreaking style and creativity, and I can't imagine how hard it is to come up with new scripts for this show. There are some seriously talented folks involved in making this show. It's a feat that it's lasted this long, and I've enjoyed just about every season. Last season was phenomenal, and part of the cast and crew even visited my workplace. They are all fabulous people. I would probably still watch it if it went to another network, but I would fear that at this point it would be a case of jumping the shark. It's always best to leave a show on a high note. Hopefully everyone involved in making this series will go on to bring us something new and exciting to enjoy. Good luck to all of them.

A movie would be a great send-off to the fans and hopefully draw in people that never watched it when it originally aired. Undoubtedly this show will live a long life on DVD and other recorded formats (I don't think it would work as well in syndication). It's a fantastic, edge-of-your-seat drama and I will miss it very much. It's been a wonderful ride for eight seasons.
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Re: No more 24

Postby Thoul » Sat Mar 27, '10, 8:57 pm

I missed the show when it was airing, but I've been catching up on the DVDs lately (local library has all of them). I've watched up through season three and I have to say it's been very impressive. I've caught a few bloopers and other little thing that made me go "huh?" but overall the quality of the performances and the writing as been top notch.

Eight seasons is a very respectable run, especially for a show using an unusual format of everything taking place in a single day. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to work so action filled scenes into that kind of plot scenario and still have it be something that the viewers will believe.
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Re: No more 24

Postby Tweeg » Sat Mar 27, '10, 11:51 pm

One of my uncles was/is a huge fan of the series, but he said it lost its realistic edge after season 3.
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Re: No more 24

Postby Tanith » Sun Mar 28, '10, 12:10 am

I personally think season 5 is one of the best out of the series. Season 6 sort of fell short for me, but season 7 brought it back. This season has been pretty good, too.

I basically do Chloe's job (without all the excitement) for a living, so I'm not that concerned about it being realistic. I yell at the screen fairly often, "That's not how it works!" or "That doesn't even exist!"

I still enjoy the show. If it was super realistic counterterrorism, it'd be fairly boring, trust me. :wink:
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Re: No more 24

Postby Thoul » Tue Mar 30, '10, 1:11 am

So far, I've liked season 3 the most. It really felt like two seasons though. After a few episodes, the story turned around in a completely different direction. There's a virus threat! Wait, no there's not... wait, yes there is! Kinda confusing, but pretty suspenseful.
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