Night Never Sleeps (CYOA)

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Night Never Sleeps (CYOA)

Postby Atlinsmere » Mon Jul 5, '10, 10:39 pm


Now you can read the logged version of this story here on my website.

Greetings everyone. Figured I'd give another CYOA a go. Hopefully this one will be just as successful as PSS and not another Kyoda. >.>

This one has it's own perks as well though. First of all, Most characters I introduce will be based off of fellow Fringers, with permission of course. Why you ask? Because I think it would be more interesting this way.

So what exactly is the Night Never Sleeps? Why, it's a zombie apocalyptic world set up in the town of Fringe. This means if your character turns into a zombie, dies, or something of misfortune occurs involving your character. I don't want to hear about it.

By surrendering use of your character, you enable me to do as I wish with them. If you feel that I am straying to far from how your character would react, shoot me a PM and I will do what I can to correct it, but it most likely won't be right away. Some things take time in order to make the story proceed smoothly.

Just so those who don't know, CYOA stands for Create Your Own Adventure. For those who don't know how this works, allow me to explain.

How Things Will Be Done - Updated 09/18/09
1 - I will post a story bit and 5 choices
2 - Vote for 1 choice
3 - According to the majority choice, I shall post a new story bit and 5 more choices
5 - Repeat steps 3 and 4
6 - I will try to update this regularly, if I do not update it, just keep checking back until I do.
7 - In case of a tie. I will leave this up for one more week. If the break is not resolved. I will choose which option I think best.
8 - In case no choice is given within a week, the choice will automatically go to Option E.

Choices To Choose! - Updated 09/18/09
As mentioned above, you will have multiple choices to choose from. Without these, the story could not progress. In order to vote for your choice, simply click the reply button and put the given letter into the reply box. Feel free to leave comments, questions, suggestions, etc. within the reply box as well.

The choice you can choose from are listed below:
A - [Choice 1 will be given]
B - [Choice 2 will be given]
C - [Choice 3 will be given]
D - [Choice 4 will be given]
E - Author's Choice [I get to make up the story and disregard option A-D =P]

Just to complicate things, there is also the Multi-Option Choices. I will use these rarely but I feel I should mention this anyway.With these I may give anywhere between 2 and 4 extra options. Format is simply letter[number] (ex. A[1]) They may look simply like this;
A - [Choice 1 will be given]
B - [Choice 2 will be given]
C - [Choice 3 will be given]
D - [ Choice 4 will be given]
-[1](Choice A will be given)
-[2](Choice B will be given)
E - Author's Choice

I know... I complicate things...

Also in this particular CYOA, I have added something I call Zombie Count. This number will be put at the end of each option indicating the number of zombies most likely to show up. Sometimes it will be a mystery, a gamble if you will. Other times they may simply be non existent which I will put a N/A for. Remember, while the count might be higher, the reward may sometimes be worth it.

Character Profiles and Death lists will be in the next post followed by the beginning of the story. ^_^
Last edited by Atlinsmere on Mon Jul 26, '10, 11:19 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Night Never Sleeps (CYOA)

Postby Atlinsmere » Mon Jul 5, '10, 10:49 pm

Birth Date: Month, Day
Job: Survivor (Leave it as survivor, I will change it if I see fit)
Background Information:

Name: Chris "Atlin" Federle
Age: 17
Birth Date: August 27
Gender: Male
Job: Electronics
Appearance: Messy, dark brown hair, brown eyes, clue framed glasses, Black ACDC T-Shirt, Blue Jeans, black Skater shoes.
Background Information: For the most part, Chris grew up with a pretty peaceful life. Aside from moving around lots as a kid. He found a love with electronics and began experimenting a lot when he reached the age of 13. When he burned his house down by accident for trying to fuse a microwave and a toaster together, his mother kicked him out of the house at the age of 16. From then on, he continued to explore the town of Fringe, where he grew up.

Name: None. Wolves usually don't have names, unless you give it one.
Age: Exact age unknown, but a young adult.
Birth date: Also unknown.
Gender: Female.
Job: Survivor.
Appearance: Just a plain old white wolf.
Bio: A white wolf that used to roam around the outskirts of the town of Fringe with her pack, but was eventually trapped and caged by a few residents, fearing hostility from the pack. However, when the zombie apocalypse struck, her keepers who had become zombies opened her cage intending to eat her brains, but instead she escaped. Now she roams free, searching to see if her pack still remains in the area. If not...well who knows? Nothing appears abnormal about this wolf, but you never know.

Death List
Not Available.
Last edited by Atlinsmere on Mon Jul 5, '10, 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Night Never Sleeps (CYOA)

Postby Atlinsmere » Mon Jul 5, '10, 10:58 pm

Fringe, a simple peaceful town where the residents are among the greatest in the world. This community of Fringe were very prosperous in their ways. The lawns seemed perfect, every house was unique in some way, but yet looked the same. The neighbours would invite you over for dinner.

Not much has changed except for the odd explosion, destroyed buildings, fires, chaos, and of course zombies. The neighbours still invite you over for dinner, except now you are the dinner and you neighbours are completely void of feelings.

Chris Federle walked through this town, making his way through the shadows. He carried with him a simple handgun, only enough bullets to kill four or five zombies. He did have a backup though, a simple rusted crowbar he found laying in the street beside a decapitated body.

Looking around he saw a few places to go, but what lie beyond them is a complete mystery.

A simple start so far. Only one character is introduced, will there be more? That's up to you to populate the town of Fringe. =P
Until then, help out Atlin by telling him where to go.
A - Continue down the street
B - Head into the closest house
C - Go look at the abandoned car
D - Head back up the street
E - Author's Mind
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Re: Night Never Sleeps (CYOA)

Postby Wolf Bird » Mon Jul 5, '10, 11:08 pm

Okay, Atlin...I'll bite...:D

Name: None. Wolves usually don't have names, unless you give it one.
Age: Exact age unknown, but a young adult.
Birth date: Also unknown.
Gender: Female.
Job: Survivor.
Appearance: Just a plain old white wolf.
Bio: A white wolf that used to roam around the outskirts of the town of Fringe with her pack, but was eventually trapped and caged by a few residents, fearing hostility from the pack. However, when the zombie apocalypse struck, her keepers who had become zombies opened her cage intending to eat her brains, but instead she escaped. Now she roams free, searching to see if her pack still remains in the area. If not...well who knows? Nothing appears abnormal about this wolf, but you never know.

Also, I pick option C.
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Re: Night Never Sleeps (CYOA)

Postby Atlinsmere » Fri Jul 9, '10, 8:05 am

Looking around, Chris saw no Zombies as he continued on. He spotted an abandoned car which seemed mostly in tact. Aside from the blood stained window, it seemed alright as he walked towards it. He held his gun in his hand as he moved cautiously towards the vehicle.

He did a quick glance around as he went down to the ground, checking underneath the car. When he got back up he held his gun with both hands as he began to look into the car.


Chris jumped back, firing a shot into the air as he landed on his back. Great, he thought as he scrambled to his feet, Like I needed to find a way to attract unwanted attention.

During the beginning stages of this apocalypse, Chris had discovered two things about the zombies which were interesting. They reacted to heat and sound. Well, firing a gun tends to generate both. Meanwhile, he watched as a zombie crawled out of the vehicle.

Don't worry CW, you'll get in soon enough. Just not right now.
A - Shoot the Zombie
B - Hit it with the crowbar
C - Run away
D - Stand there hoping it didn't notice.
E - Author's Mind
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Re: Night Never Sleeps (CYOA)

Postby Wolf Bird » Fri Jul 9, '10, 1:21 pm

I'm going with option C. I have a feeling shooting or hitting a zombie may not do much. I may also be totally full of crap on that. So how about C or E.
Next Pokemon game(s): Pearl
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Re: Night Never Sleeps (CYOA)

Postby Thoul » Sat Jul 10, '10, 7:58 pm

I will second C.
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Re: Night Never Sleeps (CYOA)

Postby Atlinsmere » Thu Jul 15, '10, 7:59 am

He knew staying there would be suicide, even he had managed to kill the zombie, more were bound to come. Putting his gun away, he quickly switched to his crowbar. Running in the direction he had just come. It was too late, he was already getting surrounded by these monstrous cannibals.

While continuing to run down the street, he ran past a zombie, swinging his crowbar in the process, connecting with it's head. The zombie fell to the ground, motionless as Chris advanced.

From now on, I'll add a number to the end which indicates zombie count.
A - Continue running and hitting zombies. (6-12)
B - Head into the dark building! (???)
C - Ooohh look, a motorcycle, looks like the keys are still in it. (3-9)
D - Turn back (1-13)
E - Author's Mind
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Re: Night Never Sleeps (CYOA)

Postby Wolf Bird » Thu Jul 15, '10, 1:23 pm

I like the image of zombies getting mowed down by a motorcycle...despite the fact that probably won't happen. Nonetheless, I choose C.
Next Pokemon game(s): Pearl
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Re: Night Never Sleeps (CYOA)

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jul 15, '10, 3:06 pm

I like C also.

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