PBS phasing out religious programming

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PBS phasing out religious programming

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jun 17, '09, 6:53 pm

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/06 ... -airwaves/

This story seems troubling to me. I guess it is good they are letting programming already on there stay on, but I wonder just how long it will be before those programs might be a thing of the past also.

Also, since PBS gets a lot of their sponsorship or support from the public, that puts another spin on this too.

Comments or Opinons????

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Re: PBS phasing out religious programming

Postby Wolf Bird » Wed Jun 17, '09, 8:57 pm

Well, I read the entire article, and it seems that few people seem terribly alarmed or surprised about this, especially since anything already there isn't going away anytime soon. But of course, it has its critics. If that's what PBS they want to do, it's what they want to do. I can't say I really have a strong opinion either way as I don't watch much PBS, or TV in general. I see nothing terribly wrong with what they've decided to do nor with the status quo. Though, I suppose if you disagree with what's going on, quit watching and sending donations. There are other networks out there that are nothing but religious programs. Freedom of choice.

As a side note...I found the comments on this article (from both sides) to be generally patronizing, distasteful, and insulting. I like to read comments on news stories sometimes...and I really should quit, because I usually get completely DISGUSTED by them.
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Re: PBS phasing out religious programming

Postby Tweeg » Wed Jun 17, '09, 8:59 pm

Can't recall ever seeing any religious programming on the local PBS stations anyways, unless by "religious" they mean programs promoting evolution.

Oh well, matters not to me. Haven't watched a program on PBS since they stopped airing "The Red Green Show" a few years back.
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Re: PBS phasing out religious programming

Postby Thoul » Wed Jun 17, '09, 9:11 pm

Religious programming even existing on PBS is news to me, too. I haven't paid attention to the local channel in ages, either. It's just boring stuff, frankly.

There will always be other outlets for religious programs, at any rate. There are entire networks devoted to it.
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