NY Comic Con 2008

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NY Comic Con 2008

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Apr 17, '08, 7:57 pm

April 18-20 is Comic Con day in New York. It will be held at the Jacob Javits Center.

Anyone here planning to attend this event?

I'd love to go to one of these events, but can't go this year. Maybe one day in the future.

Check out the official NY comic con glass for this year with Ironman on it! Wow!!! :bouncy: I got to get me one of these!!!!!!!!!!

http://www.nycomiccon.com/App/homepage. ... ame=100453

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Postby Thoul » Thu Apr 17, '08, 11:31 pm

It's a little bit out of my way... ;) I'd like to go, as I keep hearing about coll stuff and attractions they're going to have, but living half a country away is a bit of a downer on that idea.
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Postby Rudo » Sat Apr 19, '08, 8:44 pm

I have never actually been, but I have heard about some of the previous conventions held. They have a special glass each year, I believe. They seem to be quite popular and quite wild!
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Apr 21, '08, 10:36 pm

Anyone else get to attend the NY Comic Con this year? If so, fill us in on how it went. In the meantime, here's a few articles I found about it:



I sure would have liked to see those previews of "The Dark Knight" and "Hulk" movies. 8)

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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