Stamps - Yoda wins!

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Stamps - Yoda wins!

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Sep 29, '07, 8:16 pm

I couldn't decide which topic thread to post this under, as I found two threads related to collecting, etc., so I decided to begin a new one - all about Stamps! :)

Does anyone here collect Stamps (used or unused)? I do, to some extent.

Anyway, some of you might know that the USPS has had some Star Wars stamps for awhile and there was a contest of sorts to see which Star Wars character would get his own single stamp. Well, I heard on the news this morning that the winner has been announced and it was - YODA! :clap: Congratulations to the Star Wars Master. Looks like his wisdom prevailed as far as Stamps are concerned too. :yes: :lol:

Although, if I remember correctly, I think I voted for Darth Vader. It's been so long I've forgotten though. :lol:

Here's a link to read more:

And, you can always find out more about all the various stamps - old and new - at the USPS site, including the recent Marvel Comics stamps, etc.

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Postby Thoul » Sat Oct 6, '07, 6:09 am

Huh, I had forgotten about that Star Wars thing. I remember voting, but I don't remember who I voted for. Probably Vader. I figured it would come down to either him or Yoda.

I don't really collect stamps persay (my father does, but that's more of a collection of "rare" stamps, usually meaning foreign ones). I do have a few sheets I've bought as part of a collection of other things. For example, I bought a sheet of video game stamps from France.
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