Newspapers trouble / Columnists Day

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Newspapers trouble / Columnists Day

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Oct 29, '08, 9:52 pm

According to this article I read, newspaper circulation is dropping:

This could be trouble for many newspapers. I don't think it is all that surprising though given the current age of the Internet, etc., where you can find a lot of news, and even newspaper sites, online.

Still, I find it troubling as I look forward to receiving and reading our area newspapers each week and would hate it if their circulation ever dropped so badly that they had to close down or something. I don't think that will ever happen here, but it might be a possibility in some places. It's something to think of anyway.

Our area newspaper does have a site online also, and I haven't heard anything about circulation falling here, but I wonder if that might be contributing to the circulation falling problem overall.

What do you think? Do you read the newspapers from your area or elsewhere whenever you get a chance? Does your area have a newspaper site online? This is just a general question, so you don't have to tell us where your location is when answering these questions. :wink:
Last edited by Silver_Surfer1 on Tue Apr 18, '23, 8:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby FreshFeeling » Wed Oct 29, '08, 10:55 pm

I live in a fairly big city where there are plenty of good free newspapers. When I choose to read a newspaper in hard copy, it's usually one of those. Finding news online is pretty easy.
Still, it feels much more satisfying to do crossword puzzles or sudoku on paper...
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Postby Thoul » Thu Oct 30, '08, 4:20 am

I think the really big newspapers will eventually move to an almost entirely online format. It may take a while, but in the long run it may be more cost effective for them. Small town papers will probably last a lot longer, simply because they have a more niche market, with local details that larger papers don't cover, and tend to be less technologically oriented. They tend to lack staff who are capable of maintaining a website.
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Postby Wolf Bird » Thu Oct 30, '08, 4:47 am

I really do prefer newspapers. I can pick up the New York Times, as well as the campus paper, USA today and the local paper for free every weekday at the entrance to my dorm hall (and they're at the entrance to every dorm) and there are newspaper cases scattered all around campus where students can pick up newspapers for free. Pretty much every weekday I devote from a half-hour to an hour just reading the New York Times. I miss days here and there as once it gets past a certain time, I have difficulty reading the paper and sometimes I don't pick up a copy early enough. Generally that happens on Tuesday when I'm in class from 1 to 5:30 and I use the morning to get work done. But I have online sources too, mostly the BBC website.
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Postby Lemina » Fri Oct 31, '08, 9:04 pm

I usually prefer reading newspapers as opposed to online news. Although I usually prefer to watch it on TV over both newspapers and the internet. There's something about being able to hold the actual paper that appeals to me.

Regarding the title of the topic, I personally don't think that newspapers are in that much trouble. They will always be the material of choice to line bird cages with and to potty train dogs with. :wink:


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Re: Newspapers in trouble ?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Apr 26, '10, 9:55 pm

Bumping this thread up.

I just saw another recent article about newspaper circulation dropping. This is really sad. ... _article=1

In the past few months, I have answered calls at home from no less than two or three various newspapers in our area asking us to subscribe to them. Just goes to show how bad it is.

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Re: Newspapers trouble / Columnists Day

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Apr 18, '23, 8:04 pm

April 18 is Newspaper Columnist Day: ... nists-day/

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Re: Newspapers trouble / Columnists Day

Postby myau56 » Wed Apr 19, '23, 12:55 pm

Here to say good Newspapers trouble and Columnists Day.
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