Newmans or Numans?

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Newmans or Numans?

Postby Thoul » Sun Dec 30, '07, 4:20 pm

Phantasy Star Online introduced (at least in the US) the name "Newman," where Phantasy Star IV had used "Numan." Which do you prefer, and why?

Personally I wished they had stuck with Numan. "Newman" sounds like a more generic science fiction term and I was never happy with it.
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Postby SparkyIII » Mon Dec 31, '07, 12:19 am

Numan for sure! I despised them changing it, it was horrible NEW?Mans? Grrrr. Its like spelling it as Hewmans. XDDDD
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Postby newsblade » Wed Jan 9, '08, 12:02 am

Maybe "Numans + Humans = Newmans" like the son of Chaz and Rika... a new type of humans. Still I don't know if "newmans" is a translation error (if so I prefer "numans")
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Postby Tsunami » Wed Feb 13, '08, 1:39 am

I didn't like the change either. It just isn't the same as the classic Numans from PSII and PSIV. :\
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Postby newsblade » Thu Mar 27, '08, 11:04 pm

According to the "info section" of 'Phantasy Star Memorial Drama CD Translation' website, the term "newman" seems to be the accurate translation for nei-types (it seems PSO didn't change anything at all). We can't say "numan" is a mistranslation because we know the term "newman" was also on the first US translations of PSIV (I think it was a preference like Dark Force/Falz, Chaz/Rudy, etc.).

the Japanese describe the Neiseries as being " 新人類" (pronounced shinjinrui), which literally means "new man", or "new breed of man". Also, "newman/numan" is written as ニューマン (nyuuman) in Japanese, and ニュー(nyuu) is how the Japanese pronounce the english word "new". So then the term "newman" is meant to describe a "new man". Because of this, I have decided to go with this spelling. Also noteworthy, I believe the initials NM from NM-2011 and NM-1153 stand for "newman", since the numbers function as a serial number for how many neiseries were created.
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Postby Celeith » Fri Apr 18, '08, 10:58 pm

Which ones plural lol >.>
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Postby Thoul » Sat Apr 19, '08, 4:48 am

Newmen, maybe? :lol:
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Postby SparkyIII » Mon Apr 21, '08, 8:27 am

Does that make us humen? rather than humans?
Everything has a pattern. Something set. Even random things. They aren't random at all, its complex mathematics. The trick is to find the pattern. Then you can exploit it.

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Postby pitohui » Fri Jan 2, '09, 11:58 am

The Japanese games have always used ニューマン, but each game is not always translated by the same people. Some translators are very strict about series continuity in regards to things like this, while others may actually have very little knowledge of a game or series and just transliterate it as they think it should be.

It's just a case of inconsistency, nothing more.

(I like Numan, by the way, even if it was originally intended to be Newman. Faux-English sounds cool to Japanese speakers, so "Newman" carries a bit more weight for them. As Thoul pointed out, "Numan" is a better fit for English speakers, especially in a sci-fi game. "New-man" is just ridiculous.)
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Postby Dorrinal » Sun Jan 4, '09, 5:27 pm

So it's the same word but it's better for English speakers because it's spelled wrong? Don't take your crazy pills before posting -- then again people revel in poor spelling out here on The Internet. You are going to have to accept that the name is "new man" and it makes perfect sense given the origins of the... species?
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