new Star Wars Burgers

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new Star Wars Burgers

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jan 7, '12, 8:21 pm

One restaurant has come out with a new way to honor the new upcoming "Star Wars" movie by naming some of their burgers after "Star Wars" related themes: ... 00919.html

Which sounds best (and looks more delicious to eat) ...The Dark Vador burger or The Jedi Burger?

I'm going with the jedi burger!!! :silly:

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Re: new Star Wars Burgers

Postby Lucas » Sun Jan 8, '12, 8:27 am

A black bun, huh? Interesting. Lets just hope it’s not burnt. ;)
I'd personally try both burgers if I had the chance. Even though I’m not a fan of fast food, they look rather good.

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Re: new Star Wars Burgers

Postby Thoul » Mon Jan 9, '12, 7:43 pm

I was leaning toward the Dark burger until they started talking about peeper sauce and peeper cheese. Seems like too much peeper for me, so Jedi would have to be my final pick.
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Re: new Star Wars Burgers

Postby Atlinsmere » Thu Jan 12, '12, 9:17 pm

HAHA the comments on that page crack me up... especially this one

El Kabong wrote:What's next, Pizza the Hut?
A simple text based signature? That's impossible!
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Re: new Star Wars Burgers

Postby myau56 » Mon Jan 28, '13, 12:32 pm

LOL about Pizza the hut ! Nice play on words :)
Yes in belgium and in France, it's not Darth Vader but Dark Vador...But I don't know exactly why ! ;) It's absolutely not a mispel as it's the same in the movies :lol:
Last edited by myau56 on Mon Jan 28, '13, 12:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: new Star Wars Burgers

Postby Thoul » Wed Jan 30, '13, 11:02 am

I was wondering about the Vader vs Vador thing back when this was first posted. So the name is Vador in the movies in France? I wonder if any of the other names were changed there.
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Re: new Star Wars Burgers

Postby jessie » Thu Jan 31, '13, 1:07 am

Sounds Interesting. I would eat both. i like spicy food, so My vote would be the Vador burger.
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Re: new Star Wars Burgers

Postby myau56 » Thu Jan 31, '13, 1:19 pm

Yes, that was from the beginning.. from the first episode of Star Wars ("la guerre des étoiles" in french) here in France !
If I'm not mistaken it's the only change with the name but I'll try to check it better ! :) :fiery:
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