New Star Trek TV Show

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New Star Trek TV Show

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Nov 3, '15, 12:38 pm

It's about time that we may be seeing a new "Star Trek" television show coming soon. ... 29449.html

I am so ready for this. Anyone else looking forward to it?

It's been a long time since the last "Star Trek" tv saga and certainly time for another one, I think. Now, it will be interesting to see who they choose to play the starship crew and other roles. Any suggestions?
Last edited by Silver_Surfer1 on Tue Nov 3, '15, 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: New Star Trek TV Show

Postby Snorb » Tue Nov 3, '15, 2:46 pm

My issues are that it's starting in 2017, and thus missing the 50th anniversary ("What better way," Paramount asks, "to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Star Trek by airing a new show on its heels?" Airing it on the anniversary!) and that it's going to only be on CBS All Access.

A lot of people are worried that it's going to take place in the Alternate Universe because Alex Kurtzman (wrote Star Trek and Star Trek: Into Darkness) is executive producing, but they quickly forget CBS doesn't actually have the rights to the Alternate Universe.

It's a good time to be a Star Trek fan seeing as this is happening in 2017 and Star Trek: Beyond comes out next year!
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Re: New Star Trek TV Show

Postby Snorb » Tue May 24, '16, 10:59 pm

Just a quick bump to add that the first teaser for the new Star Trek series came out a couple days ago.

You can watch it right here:

What we know about the new series:

[*] It's called "Star Trek: Discovery."
[*] It airs January May 2017. (I groaned when I realized why.)
[*] It takes place in the Prime Universe, where The Original Series, The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise took place.

What people are rumoring about the new series:

[*] It's an anthology series, like American Horror Story and True Detective, so we'll be getting a new crew every season. There's one crew, the Discovery's crew.
[*] It's post-Voyager (Voyager reached Earth in 2378), post-Nemesis (2379), or even post-Prime Universe segments of Star Trek 2009 (Spock came back in time from 2387.)
[*] It's post-The Undiscovered Country/first ten minutes of Generations (both took place in 2293.)
The show starts in 2255, ten years before The Original Series.
[*] The split in the Starfleet delta and/or its scratched-metal appearance behind the "STAR TREK" title may be significant. The split Starfleet delta might be the Discovery's assignment patch.
Last edited by Snorb on Wed Nov 23, '16, 4:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: New Star Trek TV Show

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu May 26, '16, 2:46 am

Interesting video! I am really kinda looking forward to this new series. It has been a long time since we sat down to watch a weekly "Star Trek". I kind of miss it.

I don't know about the new crew every season. That could be good, and it could be disasterous if you begin to really like a character!

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: New Star Trek TV Show

Postby Snorb » Sun Jul 24, '16, 3:55 am

The anthology series rumor turned out to be wrong, so no worries there.

Anyway, some quick news about the new series. It has a new title.


And the first official footage of the series' new ship, the USS Discovery, is here:

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